Toys/Cosmic Beasts

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Cosmic Beasts.png

How it works

Gacha Tickets

You can get 1 Gacha Ticket every other day from the village punchcard, or 3 Gacha Tickets for 360CarrotIcon.png at Yori's General Store (random).


To identify if there are any rare toys available, observe the capsules within the GachaBoy. All primary toys have a blue casing Common Toy, whereas the alternate toys have a gold casing Common Toy.

Gachaboy with 3 rare toys.

It takes approximately 10 tickets to empty out the machine.

Once the machine is emptied, it will refill the next day.

List of toys

Primary Set
Corvus Vulpecula Taurus Scorpius Pisces
Lupus Lepus Equuleus Dorado Canismajor
Capricorn Cancer Delphinus Aries Aquila
Alternate Set
Cosmiccorvus Cosmicvulpecula Cosmictaurus Cosmicscorpius Cosmicpisces
Cosmiclupus Cosmiclepus Cosmicequuleus Cosmicdorado Cosmiccanismajor
Cosmiccapricorn Cosmiccancer Cosmicdelphinus Cosmicaries Cosmicaquila

Primary Set

Primary Set
Image Name Item Description Value Rarity
Sigil of House Corvus You are of House Corvus. Cunning, passionate, and ambitious; you often find yourself on the receiving end of mistrusting eyes, but you pay them little heed. It's simply the small price to pay for being ahead of the pack. 50Carrot Common
Vulpecula.png Sigil of House Vulpecula You are of House Vulpecula, though you've lied plenty of times that you weren't. A deceptive trickster, willing to stoop to the lowest lows, you're still relatively popular among peers despite your wily ways. 50Carrot Common
Taurus.png Sigil of House Taurus You are of House Taurus, a clan of pacifists with mediative proclivity. On the surface, you appear vulnerable and sensitive, but little do people know you can be quite manipulative when you need things to go your way. 50Carrot Common
Scorpius.png Sigil of House Scorpius You are of House Scorpius. No doubt many knights with notoriously antagonistic tendencies in history hailed from here, and you are no different. You are a popular scapegoat when things go wrong- a terrible nuisance, but were it not for you nothing would have ever been set in motion. 50Carrot Common
Pisces.png Sigil of House Pisces You are of House Pisces, a mysterious House that has delved deeply in the arts of mysticism and divination. You often feel misunderstood, recklessly branded as volatile and lazy, when really you're just highly-motivated and efficient. 50Carrot Common
Lupus.png Sigil of House Lupus You are of the disgraced House Lupus.

You have known only misery and hardships for most of your life, but nay, you will not accept defeat until your last breath. Tenacious and loyal to a fault, it is always favorable to be allies rather than enemies with Lupuses.

50Carrot Common
Lepus.png Sigil of House Lepus You are of House Lepus, but you don't really care about all that. Your sigil brands you a troublemaker, which you absolutely are, though you're equally capable of slipping out of said trouble with your quick-thinking, creativity, and flexibility. 50Carrot Common
Equuleus.png Sigil of House Equuleus You are of House Equuleus, a once noble house now shameful vassal-and you often are underestimated because of it. Despite it all, your resourcefulness and grit in the face of adversity has carried further than you've dreamt in life. 50Carrot Common
Dorado.png Sigil of House Dorado You are of House Dorado, the House famed for its revelry and celebration.You are receptive, fun, and playful; the life of every party. But mistake not your gaiety for weakness, for the glint in your eye also warns for a sharp and deadly bite. 50Carrot Common
Canismajor.png Sigil of House Canis Major You are of House Canis Major, though you much preferred when people preferred when people fearfully refer to you as a 'Great Canine'. You are proud, fierce, and higly competitive- rightly so as all in the Cosmos knew your House came secoud to none when it came to beast hunting. 50Carrot Common
Capricorn.png Sigil of House Capricorn Even uttering mention of the Warlords of the Great House Capricorn is enough to strike fear unto the hearts of anyone in the Cosmos. Famed for their uncompromising subjugation of the Southern Islands, the Capricorn have also been known to be in a constant state of strife and infighting amongst themselves. 70Carrot Uncommon
Cancer.png Sigil of House Cancer House Cancer of the Eldar Shoulder is one of the Great Houses of Northern Chieles, and one of its richest and most powerful families throughout the centuries. The Cancers have continued its reign by getting rich off gold mines and sending their powerful armies to brutally sack smaller villages. 70Carrot Uncommon
Delphinus.png Sigil of House Delphinus The Great House of Delphnius suffered a near unrecoverable blow from the Silvering War, pincered by an invasion-cum-conquest from House Cancer and a crusade under the Fraygian Doctrine from House Aries. All eyes are now on Duke Arion as the throne has been passed to him since. 70Carrot Uncommon
Aries.png Sigil of House Aries The Great House Aries is the ruling house of Hamal, the mountainous kingdom in Eastern Cosmos. They are strongly aligned with the Incangent Church, a monotheistic religious group that worships an entity known as the Light. 70Carrot Uncommon
Aquila.png Sigil of House Aquila The Great House Aquila is an ancient and proud House that claims dominion over the coast of Altair. Most notable is their seat in the Stargazers Rift, a sprawling metropolis that prides itself as a major cultural centre and trading hub. 70Carrot Uncommon
Ursamajor.png Sigil of House Ursa Major Callisto the Unyielding is the Maquis of House Ursa, a clan of noble knights once famed for fighting alongside their massive Cosmic Companions, the Great Bears. Hers is the tragic story of how she remains the last living member of her clan, the result of undeserved subterfuge from several Houses. 100Carrot Uncommon+
Draco.png Sigil of House Draco Thousands mourned for thousands of days when Ladon of House Draco fell. He and his loyal Cosmic Beast were found riddled with numerous arrows after their heroic attempt at guarding the Garden of the Hesperides. It is unknown if there are any other living dragon in existence. 100Carrot Uncommon+
Andromeda.png Sigil of House Pegasus Pegasos, bastard son of the now extinct House Medusa, is now the titular Ruler of House Pegasus after freeing himself from the shackles of slavery under House Perseus. His brutal and tragic origin is now outshined by his legacy of beautiful poems and proud sky beasts that rule the heavens 100Carrot Uncommon+
Leo.png Solar Lion, Leo The Solar Lion is unequivocally the mightiest Cosmic Beast in the Cosmos, and also it's greatest mystery. For some, it's held in reverence-a celestial spirit of the Heliacal Path, an animistic religion within the Cosmos. Others see it as a mindless entity, devoid of sapience and intellect, enabling people to harness its powers for various purposes. What remains unmismistakable, however, though is its sheer power and ability to turn the tide of wars. 150Carrot Rare

Alternate Set

Alternate Set
Image Name Item Description Value Rarity
Cosmiccorvus.png Cosmic Emblem of House Corvus "From the Shadows." The Corvus sigil features the raven, a reliable companion when it comes to espionage. They also have a penchant for shiny objects. 150Carrot Rare
Cosmicvulpecula.png Cosmic Emblem of House Vulpecula "Sharp Blades, Sharp Wit." There have been reports of Foxes of House Vulpecula being capable of imitating human voices. No one's yet to verify the truth to the claim. 150Carrot Rare
Cosmictaurus.png Cosmic Emblem of House Taurus "Peace, Progress, Prosperity." Visitors of the Tauran temples often note how the herds of buffalos lazing about led better lives than they did. 150Carrot Rare
Cosmicscorpius.png Cosmic Emblem of House Scorpius "Irons in the Fire." The Scorpiuses were largely unchecked for their wake of chaos due to the widespread fear of their giant, man-eating scorpions. 150Carrot Rare
Cosmicpisces.png Cosmic Emblem of House Pisces "Embrace the Unknown." Not much has been officially documented about the twin fish that House Pisces has for their sigil, though they have been rumored to be twin Gods capable of clairvoyance. 150Carrot Rare
Cosmiclupus.png Cosmic Emblem of House Lupus "Conquered by None." The Cosmic Wolf of the Lupus' sigil is the epitome of the House's unyielding spirit. They are often called 'The Unfallen' as a result. 150Carrot Rare
Cosmiclepus.png Cosmic Emblem of House Lepus "Always Move Forward." House Lepus' favored companion is the hare, as seen on their sigil. These small but feisty creatures are able to outpace most life forms. 150Carrot Rare
Cosmicequuleus.png Cosmic Emblem of House Equuleus "Through Struggle we Persevered." The Cosmic Beasts of House Equuleus are horses capable of consecutive days of traversal endeavors, resulting in the Equuleuse's nomadic nature. 150Carrot Rare
Cosmicdorado.png Cosmic Emblem of House Dorado "Roister and Rule!" The Swordfish of House Dorado provide an immense edge to naval combat, making House Dorado assert uncontested dominion over any waters they've deigned to claim. 150Carrot Rare
Cosmiccanismajor.png Cosmic Emblem of House Canis Major "Ours the Eternal Blaze." The Hunting Dogs of House Canis Major are proudly blazoned on their sigils. It is said to be impossible to escape them once they have your scent. 150Carrot Rare
Cosmiccapricorn.png Cosmic Emblem of House Capricorn "All Shall Submit". The formidable cosmic beasts of Great House Capricorn are what looks to be a grotesque fusion of ram and fish. Capable of achieving great speeds on both land and water, their horns are almost always seen grisly and bloodied. 210Carrot Rare+
Cosmiccancer.png Cosmic Emblem of House Cancer "Take what is Owed." The lumbering, bipedal crabs of House Cancer have always been described by onlookers as strange and alien-like. Though the royal members of House Cancer, and by extension their Cosmic Beasts as well, rarely ever saw battle themselves; they are perfectly capable of swiftly trouncing opponents with their deadly claws. 210Carrot Rare+
Cosmicdelphinus.png Cosmic Emblem of House Delphinus "From Tribulations, We Rise." The dolphins of Great House Delphinus are highly intelligent creatures capable of communication via telepathy. Though they're famously amiable, their sharp teeth can easily rend creatures asunder. 210Carrot Rare+
Cosmicaries.png Cosmic Emblem of House Aries "Light The Way." The Cosmic Beasts of Great House Aries shine a new light on the words 'battering ram'. The charges of these rams are capable of wrecking the most fortified of structures, making them chief in Aries' numerous sieges. 210Carrot Rare+
Cosmicaquila.png Cosmic Emblem of Aquila "Ever Vigilant and Honorable." The rate of crimes in Stargazer's Rift is astonishingly low due to the watchful eyes of the House Aquila eagles constantly surveying the city. 210Carrot Rare+
Cosmicursamajor.png Cosmic Emblem of House Ursa Major Callisto's personal Coat of Arms feature her imposing Cosmic Beast- a large, imposing, battle-tested bear riddled with scars. Funnily enough, this same bear has also been sighted protectively cuddling Callisto when they sleep. 300Carrot Epic
Cosmicdraco.png Cosmic Emblem of House Draco Dragons were, for a long time, feared for its awesome and devastating powers. All but one of the meisters of these rarely-seen Cosmic Beasts, members of House Draco, interacted much with the world outside their territory. 300Carrot Epic
Cosmicandromeda.png Cosmic Emblem of House Pegasus Pegasos' Cosmic Beast was the first of its kind: a winged, divine stallion he named a pegasus. It has been witnessed bringing forth fountains of water from where its hooves strike the ground. 300Carrot Epic
Cosmicleo.png The Blazing Demise No one was ever lucky enough to survive its unimaginably ruinous solar flares. The final moments for these unfortunate souls were strangely enough of awe and serenity- as they got lost in the infinitely tessellating stars in its mane. 450Carrot Legendary