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The Mermaid Coast during the day
The Mermaid Coast during the day

Mermaid Coast is located to the far south of Mushroom Village, where you can find a lighthouse with a pier.

The Mermaid Coast at night
The Mermaid Coast at night

According to lore of Tsuki Adventure, the name comes from a story about a mermaid sacrificing herself to save Mushroom Village.

The pier is one of the Fishing points in Mushroom Village.

As your friendship with Benny grows, at some point when you talk to him, he will invite you to redecorate Mermaid Coast. From that point onwards, you can place furniture items and plants here.

Characters who appear here

The characters below appear randomly, mostly during the day.

  • Chi, on a donut floatie, talking about how giraffes can swim, yet she can't
  • Moca, mostly submerged, talking about how he, a land turtle, likes water
  • Yori, fishing, chilling after a day of work, or having a picnic with Pipi
  • Pipi, sitting by her fishing line, or having a picnic with Yori

Related Parsnap entries

  • tsukilovecarrots: Thoughts adrift as I am on this ducky.. (item needed: Ducky Float)
  • chiraffe: Armed With Her Float And Goggles, Chi Dives Bravely Into The Relentless Waters. What Mysteries Lie Amidst The Torrents She Battles? (random)
  • mocasoup: to swim itself is decisive for a personality's essence; in choice personality immerses itself in what is chosen; life is not determined by consciousness but consciousness by life (random)
  • tsukilovecarrots: Learnt a couple of sea shanties on the ukulele! Feels right to play them at the pier.(item needed: Carrot Ukulele)
  • tsukilovecarrots: Just like old times, huh? (random)