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All locations:

  • "How do you keep your fur so clean? I'm always covered in mud and leaves by the end of the day.."
  • "Wish there were more cubs in MV I can hang with. Everyone's so old!"
  • "If I stand on a chair, Chi is still so much taller than me. Being small stinks..."
  • "constitutituency"
    • (...?) "Impressed huh? I know a lot of big words..."
  • "You wanna know why Summer is my favourite character in ARZ?"
    • (Sure.) "She's pink! Also she kicks butt!"
    • (I don't care.) "Hmph! I bet your favourite character is a zog.."

Eating carrot chips

  • "... TSUKI! Hi hi!"
  • "Mmm...!"
  • "*Cronch cronch*"
  • "Just munchin' on some chips..."
  • "You want a chip? I only share with my friends!"
    • (Aww..) "*Cronch cronch* You want some or not??"
  • "Look Tsuki, 5 at a time! Mmmfgfh."
  • "Carrot chips are so good..."
    • (You're telling me!) "But why do normal carrots taste so bad then?"
  • "Ahh.. I got crumbs all in my fur.."
  • "Mmm! Let me eat my chips Tsuki! You're taking too much!" (pester)
  • "HEY! Look its almost empty! You hog!" (pester)
  • "Go away!" (pester)
  • "...." (pester)

Yori's General Store

First meet

  • "Tsuki! Come here! I wanna take a picture with you" [new Parsnap unlocked]
  • We look so cute here, I better post this to Parsnap!"
    • (...Parsnap?) "Ugh, Tsuki, you're just like my dad! It's this new app where you share photos and stuff, here, I'll send it to your phone! Remember to post lots and lots of photos okay!

When 2nd floor is unlocked

  • "Welcome to the second floor, Tsuki! Up here is where you can buy all your items and trinkets. Snacks, toys, phone accessories, we have everything!"
    • (Cool!) "Pops put me in charge of this place, so come to me if you wanna make a purchase. Also, don't even THINK about trying anything funny!"
      • (I wasn't going to!) "Hehe! Just kidding!"
      • (What're you gonna do about it, small fry?) "Try me rabbit, I'm small but I'm feisty!"


Pipi.normal.jpg Pipi.normal2.jpg

  • "Morning, Tsuki!"
  • "Gooood morning!"
  • "Hi friend!"
  • "New items for sale! Come and see.."
  • "Anything I can do to help?"
  • "Whaddya buyin?"
  • "Paw bump!"
    • (What for?) "Friendship!"
  • "The hardest part of my day is climbing up those steps. My legs.... they're stumpy..."
  • "Buy one get one free!"
    • (Really?) "Hehe.. Just kidding!"
  • "We've raised all our prices by 500% Tsuki."
    • (Right..) "I'm serious! You want carrot chips? 2000 carrots please."
  • "I've got a carrot quota to hit every month. If I don't hit it, Papa will fire me.."
    • (What??) "Hehe.. It's true... I will be homeless.. HAHAHA!"
  • "Buy more of my stuff Tsuki, I get a little treat from the old fox if I hit my carrot quota! Remember when you bought those roller skates? Yea, that's how I got my paintbrushes!"
  • "Buy more stuff! Look at my big cute eyes! Bzzzzt--"
    • (What?) "Cutie beam! Activate! It's super effective!"
  • "You like my apron? It's bubblegum pink!"
    • (Cute!) "Hehe!"
  • "Ahh! I crumpled my apron..."
    • (It looks fine.) "No look, I creased the edge..... It's frumpy now.."
  • "I wish Papa would get a pink apron like mine. We would look super cute together!"
  • "Pops bought me my first paintbrush when I sold my first item. He's teaching me to be independent!"
  • "Sighh.. I need a phone.. Pops has one and he barely even knows how it works! It's not fair.."
  • "I've been doing star jumps every night before I go to bed. It's supposed to help you grow!"
  • "Mmm yes.. Tsuki... weather... sports.. See? I can do adult talk too!"
  • "I'm itchy..."
    • (Fleas?) "...I dont' think so... I'm just itchy..."
  • "It's always more fun when you're around..."
    • (Aww..) "You're like a cool uncle!"
  • "You're always wearing that scarf.. you should try on something cooler.. like a cape!"
  • "Whatcha got in your bag, Tsuki?"
    • (Oh you know, stuff like-) "Got any games?"
  • "Got any games on your phone?"
  • "Hope my fishing rod is catching lots of fish! It's my finest work!" [After buying fishing rod]
  • "EWW, are you eating sour strings?! They're so nasty! [When Tsuki is eating sour strings at Yori's]
  • "Is farming fun? Isn't it super tiring?"
    • (It's hard!) "I could never do what you do.. I'm too small! The carrots are bigger than me."
    • (I love it!) "Ah, I wish I loved my job... I mean I do, but its only cause I get to chit chat with everyone"
  • "When I'm bored, I like to sneak downstairs and give the old man a fright. RAAAHHH! Hehe.."
  • "Rate my shopkeeping Tsuki. How many stars?"
    • (5 stars!) "YESSS! 5 out of 5!"
    • (1 star!) "Hmph, well jokes on you the scale is out of 1 star! Thanks for the 100% approval rating!"
  • Don't tell the old man but.... sometimes I eat the snacks we put out for customers.."
    • (Oh..) "I can't help it! I'm a baby, I don't know any better!"
    • (What!?) "Shh! Don't tell on me Tsuki!"
  • "Hey, do you think that's paint on my apron..."
    • (Oh... it's quite red...) "Oh that's just my blood! HAHA! What? I fall down a lot!"
  • "Ever stared at your paw for a really long time? It's trippy!"
  • "I got lil cuts and bruises on my knees. I fall a lot!"
    • (Be more careful!) "I'm a wild spirit, Tsuki!"
  • "You're like the biggest spender ever! Since you've been back from your trip, I've more than tripled my carrots!"
  • "Alone we are weak.."
    • (United, we are strong!) "To me, RANGERS! Lets squash these bugs.."
    • (What?) "..United we are strong! It's ARZ's season finale! You collect their gacha and you don't know? Boooo! What a fake!"
  • "When I'm older, can I join your friend group?"
    • (Friend group?) "Y'know, you Chi and Moca! We'd be the QUAD SQUAD!"
  • "I don't know why we bother selling instant ramen here. Bobo's is right down the street.."
  • "I've never been to the city before.. I wonder what it's like."
  • "Did you have loads of fun in the city? I've only seen what it looks like on TV.. Bring me with you next time!"
  • "I wonder what time it is in the city. I heard that they have 50 hours in a day over there!"
    • (I don't think thats true..) "No? Moca told me that.."
  • "ZZZzzz....*Snort!*....Zzzz"
  • "Zzz.."
  • "You buy a lot of gacha?"
    • (Not really.) "What?? They're all the rage nowadays! I can never get tickets for them though.."
    • (I collect them!) "Lucky! I can never find tickets for them... Summer from Animal Rangers.. she's all I want!"
    • (Huh?) "You collect gacha and don't know the ARZ theme song? Fake fan!"
    • (LETS GO!) "Hehe!"
  • "Can't wait to start painting again.."
  • "Pops gets mad if he catches me doodling on the job.. But he's always reading the papers! Isn't that the same thing?"
  • "Ah... standing around all day makes my lil feetsies sore.."
  • "I wish staring at the clock made it go faster..."
  • "It's still so early but I'm already so bored! I wanna watch TV.."
  • "Ahh.. I wanna go outside and play.. Being stuck in here sucks.."
  • "I can't wait to go home. I got myself a bunch of new paints to try out.."
  • "I'm always looking for new ways to make work interesting!"
    • (Like what?) "*Fart!"
  • "Tsuki, pull my finger!"
    • (Ok... but if let out a fart I'm gonna be mad.) "..... Woah, where'd that weird smell come from? Did you just FART, Tsuki?!"
    • (I'm not gonna do that.) "C'MON!"
  • "Tsuki, I got something urgent to tell you!"
    • (What? What is it!) "......!"
      • (Oh, EW! That stunk!) "Dad always said the silent ones were the worst, heheheh..."
    • (Cut it out Pipi!) "What? It's a serious matter!"
      • (...Don't you dare..) "Haven't you heard? Moca, he- *Fart!*"
        • (I've been holding my breath, Pipi! Your farts can do me no harm!) "Oh, but they LINGER! You can't run forever!"
  • "Oh god... oh NO! How could this have happened..."
    • "How horrible.. Oh Tsuki, come quick! I need to tell you something! It's urgent!"
      • (I'm not falling for it Pipi.) "...You're no fun!"
      • (..don't fart...) "Uuuuurrrrrrrppp. There! I didn't fart this time!"
  • "Oh no... not again... please don't... ..You don't have to do this..."
    • (What's wrong?!) "*Fart!*"
    • (I know what you're up to..) "....what?..."
      • (Don't you do it..) "...*Fart!*"
  • "..Shit.."
    • (Pipi!) "Hehe! Poop!"
  • "Ah, my aprons got a little dirt on it.."



  • "Hi Tsuki! Don't mind me, just reading my book..."
  • "Reading is a good hobby... It's food for your brain!"
  • "When I turn my pages, I'm real careful. Papercuts are no joke.."
  • "Sorry, Tsuki, I'm just a little engrossed in the story.. "
  • "... Wait... What?... How can that... hmm..
    • (Exciting book?) "Huh? Oh.. no I'm just reading Lord of the Carrots 2. Chi's recommended me the series and I've finished the first one. I wouldn't say its exciting... I'm just confused by J.D.'s writing here.. Forgettedly isn't a real word right?"
  • ".... This is not good writing..."
  • "He was a tall boy. As tall as a 6'2 tree. I don't know if thats a great analogy.."
  • "..."

Eating bread


  • ".....Mmmhi Muki!"
  • "I'm on my snack break! Or.... BREAD BREAK!"
    • (Looks good.) "It is!"
  • "This bread I'm eating is free! Hehe! I take it from our stock!"
  • "Ahh.. getting crumbs everywhere.. That's why I got the apron!"
  • "Mmm.. Mis Manana Mread is SO mood!"
    • (Uh, yeah..?) "Mmmhmm!"
  • "Mmmm... banana bread helps me work better.. It's like my battery!"
  • "Want a bite? It's banana!"
  • "Mmm...mhis mis sho goooood!"
    • (Don't talk while you're chewing...) "Mmwhat? I've seen you and your pals eat before. You guys do the same thing!!"


  • "Add a splash of blue... a little yellow... Oh no, it's green now!"
  • "A splash of cyan on the side.."
  • "Hmm.. I'm really feeling the colors here!"
  • "Oh, my brush is dry. Gotta wet it a bit.."
  • "Elfie's a real friend, she gives me so many compliments whenever she sees me painting!"
  • "Good composition huh? Elfie gave me some pointers earlier. She has a good eye for art!"

Blowing nose


  • "Achoo!"
  • "...snort..."
  • "Eww... it's green!"

Near closing time

  • "....Oh, hey Tsukes.."
  • *Yawn!*
  • "...mm?....mm..."
  • "When will my shift end... it's been so long.."
  • "It is almost time..... I am about to be unleashed"
    • (Huh?) "Look at the time! It's nearly time to close!"
  • "...Closing tiiime...la la la...you can't stay here... *Yawn*"
  • "...go away bunny... I'll smack ya!....Just kidding..."
  • "I'm almost done with work. Come find me later!"

When Momo is at Yori's

  • "Momo takes forever to find stuff she likes. She's older than my pops."
  • "Momo takes forever to find stuff she likes. Ehh, It's alright, though. She doesn't really mess with anything."
  • "Hey.... Tsuki.... you.... like.... tea?... HEHEHE!"
    • (That's not nice!) "I'm just messing around!"
    • (Shh! She's gonna hear you!) "HAHAHA! Alright, I'll stop!"

When Elfie is at Yori's

  • "I pulled Elfie's tail one time and she wasn't happy. She's cool though!"
  • "Elfie's just comin in early to hang out. She takes over the store at night!"

Over Yori's head:


  • "Hey little SQUIRT! Hehehe.."
  • "Whoa! Almost lost balance there.."
  • "Come closer Tsuki. I want to change hosts.
    • (!?!) "You cannot stop this alien invasion. Your efforts to resist are futile!"
  • "This must be how Chi sees the world everyday... WOW!"
  • "I can stay up here for as long as I like. Papa doesn't mind at all!"
  • "Hey!"
  • "Yeah TSUKI! You're annoying us!" (pester)

Newspaper events:

After the 50,000 carrot prank:

  • "HAHA! I got you good, didn't I?"
  • "I made both you and dad think the Tooth Nymph was real!"
    • (Oh... That's a specific kind of heartbreak I haven't felt in awhile...") "Big baby! That's what you adults get for constantly telling me silly, fake stories to get me to do things I don't wanna do."
    • (Well played, Pipi... Consider me bamboozled.) "That's what you adults get for constantly telling me silly, fake stories to get me to do things I don't wanna do. I don't even know why dad made the Tooth Nymph up. What good would putting teeth under a pillow do
      • (Your dad just wanted to spice up your life, Pipi... You gave him an existential crisis in return...) "It was so funny seeing dad freak out over a thing that doesn't exist. Maybe it was a little mean, though... I hope I'm still on Santa's Nice List."
        • (Hmm...) "Why're you 'hmming' me? Ohhhh. You must be wondering about the big sack of carrots! Here's my secret, Tsuki: I made it ! It's just an arts and crafts project!"
          • (No way. It looked so convincing.) "I knooow, right?! Aaand that's why I'm thinking of giving it to you. It looks a little too real. I don't want any trouble with the feds."
            • (What?! I mean, okay, thanks??? *Receive Sack of Carrots*) "No problem, Tsuki! Ah... That was such a good prank."

Caught by Ken at the bar:

  • "Tsuki, Tsuki! Didja see? I was on the news again!"
    • (Yeaah, not a thing to be proud of I think.) "Huh, why not? I was just tryna see what was in that place..."
    • (Oooh, yeah! Nice one.) "Yay, thanks!"
    • (Huh. Wha'happen??) "Oh! Eheh. I snuck into that cool building the adults hang out at night! Well, I almost did... The big rhino guy wouldn't let me in. I saw a little bit of the inside, though! It looked so cool..."

"Wholesome Arts and Crafts Project" Daily Carrot event

  • "Hi, Tsuki."
  • "...Benny's not nearby, is he? He almost busted my whole plan with that article he put out today..."
    • (Huh. And here I thought you'd be bragging about being featured in the news again.) "I would be, if only the whole plan didn't hinge on that rhino not knowing what I'm up to!!!"
      • (Oh, figures. What are you making, anyway?)
    • (Hmm... What are you up to this time, Pipi...)
      • "Err... okay, I'll tell you but you have to pinky promise not to tell that rhino about it."
      • "You know how that fake bodyguard wannabe's always asking for IDs and stuff?"
      • "I'm making a fake one! That's what I saw people in the movies do to get into night-time places."
      • "Take a look!"
        • ('Notpip Realdult'... age 47. Pipi, this isn't very convincing.) "Oh. Well, I guess I wouldn't look as old as dad does even with my disguise on."
          • "Okay, okay, I'll change it."
          • "And don't walk away yet, Tsuki! You're gonna help me with the finishing touches to make this fake ID look SUPER real!"
          • "I need you to help me convince Benny to laminate this thing! He's the only guy in the whole village who has a laminator..."
            • (And why would I help you do this not legal thing?!) "For fun, duh! And because I'm your favorite person?"
            • (Convincing Benny to help create a fake ID sounds nigh impossible...) "Nothing is 'night impossible', silly! You just gotta use your Tsuki charm and get him to do the thing!"
            • (You know what? Sure. *recieve Pipi ID*) "I knew I could count on you, Tsuki!"

Momo's Tea House


  • "Hi hi!"
  • "Mmmm.. I can smell Bobo's ramen from here!"
  • "Your tea looks.. TEA-ribble! Heheh!"
  • "I dipped my paw in your tea while you weren't looking."
    • (WHAT?) "HA! Your face! I'm kidding! Joke!"
    • (Well jokes on you, I swapped our teas while you weren't looking!) "Well jokes on you, I didn't actually do it! So you wasted your time!"
  • "I think soda is a little better than tea.. But DAD saus if I drink too much of it...I'll die.."
  • "Tea brings me...tranquili-TEA! Laugh!"
  • "This tea's kinda plain... It isn't like the canned ones at the store..."
  • "Tea's super hot... I burnt my tongue once!"
  • "Hey Tsukes! You're looking real beau-TEA-ful today!"
    • (...) "Hehehe.."
  • "A fly flew in Dads' tea once and he didn't notice. I could've stopped him from drinking it... but it was funny.."
  • "Mmmm... this tea... its um... TEA-rrific!"
  • "Look at my tea, Tsuki! It's got a little leaf in it!
    • (Why is it.. brown..) "It floated over from one of those trees there! Plop! Right in my cup.."
  • "It's par-tea time! Hehe.."
  • "Momo works really slow, but her tea makes up for it!"
  • "You think if Momo drinks a whole GIANT bunch of coffee she'll speak normal?"


  • "If I wait long enough...I'll have iced tea instead!"

At Bobo's Ramen Restaurant

  • "Come join us Tsuki!"
  • "*Munch* Uuki! Come twy thi! *Munch*"
  • "*Munch* MM thi ih SO GUDD! *Munch*"
  • "*Munch munch*"
  • "*Slurrrp* AH!"
  • "Sometimes my pop gets sick of Bobo's ramen, so I just eat without him! I will never betray you BOBO!"
  • "Auntie Dawn, can I please take some of your bean sprouts? Pweeeease.."
  • "Bobo's great, he lets me climb on his head!"
  • "Bobo's paws are almost bigger than my head! He's a giant!"

At Pier at Mermaid Coast

Sitting with Tsuki

  • "Hiya Tsuki! Here to catch some fish?"
  • "If you catch me 10 sharks, I'll let ya borrow my hat for one day."
    • (Bet!) "HA! Good luck chump!"
    • (That's not fair at all..) "Hmm.. you wouldn't be able to pull it off anyway!
  • "Don't tell the pops I'm out here. He'll keep yellin at me to stay away from the water! That's the fun part!"
  • "You gonna catch anything? Ya gotta get a hat! All pro fishermen have cool hats!"
  • "Ahh, the pier is such a fun hangout! Look at those waves!"
  • "Tsuki, your head looks a little sunburnt! If only you had a hat.."
    • (Give me yours!) "HAHA! No, its mine! Don't worry, you'll find your own hat someday.."
  • "Pops says I'm too small to go fishing. Maybe when I'm older!"
  • "Ever catch a shark before? They go for big bucks at Yori's!"
  • "Whoa, sweet fishing rod! The guy who made it must've been real talented!"
  • "Because that's my fishing rod you're using, 50% of all your fish profits go to me!"
    • (What??) "Didn't you read the terms and conditions? Cough up the carrots, rabbit!"
  • "Fishing looks so fun.. Ugh, being a baby sucks!"
  • "Don't tell my Pa, but I've gone fishing a bunch of times.. I caught a big sea bass one time! Okay, a baby seabass, but it was a fat one! Bigger than my head!"
    • (Be careful!) "Relax, Tsuki! I'm stronger than I look!"
  • "The master angler has arrived! Sound the horns!"

Fishing with Tsuki and Yori

  • "Like my hat? Cute huh!"
  • "Check out my Pops' hat. Twinsies!"
  • "Ahh, I can't mess around while my Pa's watchin'..."
  • "My Pa falls asleep while fishing sometimes. One time, a big grouper pulled his rod straight from his hands. Best part: It didn't wake him up! He dozed off for another good hour! HAHA! And then he woke up with his hands empty! HAHA! Uh.. Wha.. who STOLE MY ROD?! HAHAHA!"
  • "My Dad was the one who knit me this hat. He says one day I'll be big enough to fit it! Only then can I go fishing with him!"
  • "You and my Dad, fishing competition! Go! First one to catch something gets a free car!"
  • "Who do you thinks a better fish catcher? You or my Pa?"
    • (Your Pa, for sure!) "Wrong! Trick question! The answer is me, Pipi!"
    • (Me!) "Wrong! Trick question! The answer is me, Pipi!"
  • "Hey get your hook entangled with my Pa's. That'll be so funny!"

At Tsuki's Tree House

Drinking carrot juice with Tsuki:

  • "Mmmm! Thanks again for buying me some carrot juice, Tsuki! It's so good!"
  • "Y'know, dad told me there are other flavors available for this juice. But we never get those for the shop cuz everyone only buy the carrot ones..."
  • "It's so cozy in here. Perfect for enjoying a cold one."
    • (...Did you pick up that phrase from somewhere maybe?") "Uhhh... maybe? I think I heard it from the telly."
  • "Were these expensive? I've heard some villagers say it is."
    • (What? These are super cheap! A child could buy it!) "Huh... But I'm a child.... I guess that's cuz my dad doesn't pay me for helping him out at the store. Hmmph. I'm gonna confront him about this."
    • (Oh yeah, these cost most of my carrots.) "Wait, are you serious? That's kinda silly, Tsuki! Why spend the carrots on a drink when you could be saving for something way, way, WAY more important?! Like a chair or something?!"
  • "Yummy!"
  • "I know the store's full of these juice boxes, but I can't just take them whenever I wanna... Pops said that'd be stealing.... and stealing is bad!!"


  • "Trick or treat!"
    • (I love your costumes!)


When receive present:

  • "I spy with my little eye...Tsuki! With a present! Is that for meeee?"
    • (Hmm it's for a certain cute little fox... What do you think?Pipispresent.png) (getting new parsnap)
  • "Eeeek! Gimme, gimme! Can I open it? I'm opening it. GAAAASP! It's the Anima Ranger Z Summer's Ultimate Sakura Bow! EachsoldseparatelyfromDanbai. Tsuki, this is so awesome! Oh, uhm, I have something for you too..! Here! It's a plushie of the bestest Anima Ranger Z character. You'll love it."
    • (Wow. I thought Summer was your favorite..?Kateplushie.png)
  • "Whaaat, noooo.... I mean...I can have multiple favorite, can't I? This totally wasn't a spare plushie I didn't really want... Anyway, thanks so much for this amazing gift Tsuki! I've been writing to Santa about how much I wanted this! Who would have thought you were one of his little helpers?"

When building the snowman:

  • "Look, look Tsuki! Art!! Can you guess who we're making?"
    • (It looks like it's you.) "Well, she's just as cute I think, but no! It's my mommy!"
    • (That's Yori!)
  • "This scarf we're using for the snowman is one of my extras. Hmm... It would probably be too small for her if she were actually here..."
  • "Dad said she always wore this specific flower on her head. And that she was grew a bunch of them too. My dad still tends to them but he keeps forgetting to water them... I'm always the one doing it."
  • "Pssst, Tsuki. I think dad shed a tear. Either that, or I saw a stray snowflake on his face."
    • (Aww, Pipi...don't make fun of him or anything.) "I wasn't going to, Tsuki! I'm not heartless, I'm just pointing something out!!"
  • "Hehe, this is kinda fun! I'm glad dad's joining for once too!"
  • "Tsuki... I'm not too sad mommy isn't...uhm...around anymore. But sometimes people get sad when she gets brought up. And then I get sad because they get sad... Even though I never knew her."
    • (It's possible to miss someone you never met.) "Really..? Okay, then I guess I do miss her too..."
  • "Dad's helping me out with this one. I don't really know what my mommy looks like but he's being very helpful with descriptions."
  • "It's like she's here with us, too! I wish she was."
  • "Everyone who knew her said she funny and nice. Say, Tsuki...did you know my mommy too?"
    • (No... I left Mushroom Village before I got to meet her.) "Oh... Well, that's okay. That makes both of us!"

When sneaking at Tsuki's house:

  • "Boo!"
    • (GAH!) "Hehehe, relax Tsuki, you big baby! It's just Pipi!"
    • (...gah..?)
  • "I'm not allowed to spook dad anymore, but he never said I couldn't do it to other people!"
  • "Snow is so fun! I wish everyday was winter... Actually...hmm. Maybe not."
  • "I popped out of the snow! Like a daisy!"
  • "Ah, eww.. I may have gotten some snow in my mouth. Yucky, yuck, yuck... Dad says to NEVER eat snow. He says people sometimes pee in it and stuff."
    • (So you encase yourself in it instead.) "Ew, ew, ew!! Are you trying to ruin winter, Tsuki?!"
  • "Hey, hey, if you see someone else coming this way you gotta help cover me up in snow again!"
  • "Let it snow, let it snow, let it snoooow!"

Lunar New Year:

At the store:

  • "Check it out, Tsuki! I'm a lion!"
  • "This was supposed to be a two-piece suit, but dad didn't want to be the butt of the lion."
  • "Look, I can make my lion ears flap real quick when I pull this string. I can't even do it that fast in real life! I wish I were an actual lion..."\
  • "I can't believe dad lets me do this stuff during business hours. He usually hates it when I dress up and mess around the store..."
    • (Yori probably saw this as an opportunity to bring luck to the store...) "I'm going to bring in SO much luck, we'll have no choice but to sell it in the store too!"