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Anima Ranger.png
Primary Set
Red Ranger Yellow Ranger Pink Ranger Blue Ranger Green Ranger
Scout Worker Minor Major Elite
White Ranger Black Ranger Shifu Timmy Dad
Alternate Set
Shinji Kate Summer Jackie Ralphie
Galactic Scout Galactic Worker Galactic Minor Galactic Major Galactic Elite
Ice Jet Kuro Super Timmy Gendo
Zog Clone
Galactic Mother
Ruined Megazord

How it works

Gacha Tickets

You can get 1 Gacha Ticket every other day from the village punchcard, or 3 Gacha Tickets for 360CarrotIcon.png at Yori's General Store (random).


To identify if there are any rare toys available, observe the capsules within the GachaBoy. All primary toys have a blue casing Common Toy, whereas the alternate toys have a gold casing Common Toy.

Gachaboy with 3 rare toys.

It takes approximately 10 tickets to empty out the machine.

Once the machine is emptied, it will refill the next day.

List of toys

Primary Set

Primary Set
Image Name Item Description Value Rarity
Red Ranger.png
Red Ranger "We will make this bug bastards pay for what they have done!" 50Carrot Common
Yellow Ranger.png
Yellow Ranger "UGH! I got bug blood in my boots!" 50Carrot Common
Pink Ranger.png
Pink Ranger "We gotta stick together! Leave no ranger behind!" 50Carrot Common
Blue Ranger.png
Blue Ranger "Look out, Red! They're coming out of the walls!" 50Carrot Common
Green Ranger.png
Green Ranger "Shut up, Red, you don't know what you are talking about! You're gonna get us all killed!" 50Carrot Common
Scout "Pesky earthlings! NYEEEAGH!" 50Carrot Common
Worker "This planet has good resources! We can do good work here!" 50Carrot Common
Minor "Earthlings are such easy prey!" 50Carrot Common
Major "DAMN! They're killing us... Send for reinforcements!" 50Carrot Common
Elite "Finally, a worthy opponent! This fight is invigorating!" 50Carrot Common
White Ranger.png
White Ranger "This old man still has some fight in him." 70Carrot Uncommon
Black Ranger.png
Black Ranger "Did you think we'd let you kids fight alone?" 70Carrot Uncommon
Shifu "Ohohoho! So.. you wanna be a ranger?" 70Carrot Uncommon
Timmy "I'm hungry! When are we going to eat?" 70Carrot Uncommon
Dad "You doing okay in school?" 70Carrot Uncommon
Emi "Kekeke... Rangers? A snack!" 100Carrot Uncommon+
Zog "It is only matter of time, Rangers. You merely delay the inevitable." 100Carrot Uncommon+
Mother "My children... I have found a new world for us. A world we can finally be free!" 100Carrot Uncommon+
Megazord "The Zog army may have beaten us individually, but combined, we can destroy the Zogs and take back our home!" 150Carrot Rare

Alternate Set

Alternate Set
Image Name Item Description Value Rarity
Shinji "All this bug hunting is making me hungry!" 150Carrot Rare
Kate "According to my research, these bugs have no nervous system! So don't worry, give them all you got!" 150Carrot Rare
Summer "How about some karaoke?" 150Carrot Rare
Jackie "Just cuz I'm a ranger, doesn't mean I gotta skip my training!" 150Carrot Rare
Ralphie "Hey! I make great coffee and, you know, I'm the only one here with a job!" 150Carrot Rare
Galactic Scout.png
Galactic Scout "The Earthlings have reached the outer sanctum, Mother! What are we going to do?" 150Carrot Rare
Galactic Worker.png
Galactic Worker "The mines are collapsing! Run!" 150Carrot Rare
Galactic Minor.png
Galactic Minor "It's working! They're walking right into our trap!" 150Carrot Rare
Galactic Major.png
Galactic Major "Show them no quarter! We will string them up by their entrails!" 150Carrot Rare
Galactic Elite.png
Galactic Elite "You're pretty good... Shame I'll have to kill you now..." 150Carrot Rare
Ice "You kids keep coming up this mountain empty handed. Shouldn't you be bringing a couple bottles of the good stuff if you want my advice?" 210Carrot Rare+
Jet "Looking a little tired there, Red! Need a break?" 210Carrot Rare+
Kuro "According to my calculations of the earth's rotation... it's nap time!" 210Carrot Rare+
Super Timmy.png
Super Timmy "Bugs schmugs! Who cares?" 210Carrot Rare+
Gendo "Let's go, rangers! Kill em all!" 300Carrot Epic
Yumi "Kukuku... Meat..." 300Carrot Epic
Zog Clone.png
Zog Clone "For the Queen Mother!" 300Carrot Epic
Galactic Mother.png
Galactic Mother "Duty? Every child I have born from my loins is a soldier, willing to kill and die for me. You know nothing of duty, earthling, you are merely driven by pathetic self preservation." 300Carrot Epic
Ruined Megazord.png
Ruined Megazord "Do you hear your children cry? Their crumpled twisted bodies reaching for the skies, desperate for their dear mother. And yet you cower in your den, making more spawn for my blade to taste, hoping that it will satiate it's hunger enough to spare you for a moment longer." 450Carrot Legendary