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Yori.2ndfloor.jpg Yori.cityhall.jpg

  • "Go go... mm mm...lets go....hmm mm"
    • ("What?") "Hm? Oh, nothing. Just a song I heard.."
    • ("Are you humming Anima Rangerz?") "Oh... no I was just... um... Look, it's a catchy song!"
  • "What'd you think of the pup running my second floor?"
    • ("She's doing a great job!") "Hm.. good."
    • ("Meh..") "She can be a little testy, eh? Give her some time, she'll learn.."
  • "I don't like Pipi hanging out with that turtle friend of yours."
    • ("Moca?") "Got a dirty mouth, that one."
  • "Have you been buying Elfie's stock? Save some of those carrots for me eh?"
  • "Pipi is still a baby, but she's a lot more mature than I was at her age. Back in the day, I would get into all sorts of trouble.."
    • (Ooh! Really? What kind of trouble?) "Ha! Well.. it's quite a private matter. I'll just say this... fire was involved!"
  • "Lets talk some other time, Tsuki." (pester)

After working hours:

  • "If you see Pipi around let her know to be home before it gets too dark yea?"

When you have at least 10.000 carrots:

  • "Woo, Tsuki! That's a quite lot of carrots you've saved up! Impressive!"

Playing jump rope with Pipi and Tsuki [parsnap entry]:

Yori&Pipi.jumping.jpg Yori&Pipi.jumping2.jpg

  • "1... 2... 1... 2..."
  • "Ah, I'm getting tired just swinging around this rope! Hahaha!"
  • "Whew! I'm almost gassed out myself!"
  • "Let Pops know if you're getting tired ok, Pipi?"
  • "So much energy this one..."
    • ("Why don't you tag in, old man!")
    • ("C'mon Yori! Your turn!") "Oh no no no! I'm much too old for that! I'm not looking to retire early.."
  • "Who knew those tiny legs had so much hops in them?"
    • ("It's unreal!") "It is isn't it!"
    • ("She could go pro!") "Haha, she could!"

At Yori's General Store

First meeting

  • "Tsuki! You're back! Why the long face?"
  • ("My home was robbed...")
    "Jeez, it's gotta be that raccoon... Caught him sneaking around back the other day... Well, you know what else is a steal? The stuff I have for sale! I got books, toys, and every other thing you can think of!"
  • ("Thanks, Yori...")
    "Which will you choose, the book or the sketchpad? Reader or artist? And don't worry about the robbery too much, Tsuki. It's all just stuff!"
    • (If you choose the sketchpad)
      "An artist! Just like my little Pipi... Say, I got something special for you! Gimme a minute..."
    • (If you choose the book)
      "Nice! I knew you'd go for the book, you're just like Chi! Hang on, I got something special for you! Gimme a minute..."
  • ("What is it?")
    "Here, no charge! We're renovating the shop and had a spare table, here you go!"
  • ("Wow! Thank you!")
    "Anything for my best customer!"
    (You receive a wooden table Woodentable.png.)
  • "You should go to the Town Hall and report the robbery! I'll send the location to your phone!"
    (Town Hall becomes unlocked.)

Grand reopening

  • "Ah! Tsuki! Welcome to the new and improved Yori's!"
  • ("It looks amazing!")
    "Thank you! It's still a work in progress, but at least there aren't any more boxes lying around eh? Haha! There's quite a lot to take in, would you like me to give you a tour?"
    • ("No thanks, I'll manage on my own!")
    • ("Sure!")
      "Well, lets start with the first floor... This is where we sell our furniture. Chairs, tables, beds, wardrobes.. all the good stuff! If you need items or knick knacks, you'll have to go up to the second floor. Pipi will assist you while you're up there! She'll be my little helper from now on.."
      • ("Sounds easy enough..")
        "Remember, if nothing in here catches your eye, you can always come back later. We restock our supply every few hours, there might be something for you then!"


  • "You got anything you wanna sell?"
  • "Hmm... I can give you [number] carrots for that. Sound good?"
    • (Sold!) "Pleasure doing business with ya!"
    • (No deal!)

On Sundays

  • "Happy Sunday, Tsuki!"

On Mondays

  • "Sigh.. Mondays huh?"


  • "Welcome to Yori's!"

Normal conversations

Yori.normal.jpg Yori.normal2.jpg

  • "You're up early, Tsuki!"
  • "Good harvest today?"
  • "How are we doing today?"
  • "Farm doing good?
    • ("Yep!")
      "Good, good! More carrots to spend eh? Heh.."
    • ("Nah..")
      "Ah, it'll get better! There are always bumps in the road."
  • "See something you like?"
  • "All our furniture is of the highest quality!"
  • "Stick around, we got some great new arrivals available."
  • "Always good to see you around, especially when you have carrots to spare!"
    • ("You only like me for my carrots..") "HAHA! It's just business Tsuki!"
  • "What you see is what you get. If you can't find something, you can pop in a little later."
  • "Tsuki, how's the home redecoration going?"
    • ("Good! I think...")
      "That's great! Just take your time. There's no need to speed through life. It's meant to be enjoyed!
    • ("I don't know...")
      "Aww Tsuki... Some advice from an old fox, money isn't everything! I was very poor when I came here from the old country. There's plenty to do around here rather than chasing after material things! Enjoy life, Tsuki. It's only here for a moment.
  • "Got any junk you wanna get rid of? I might find some use for them.."
  • "Some shipments got delayed this month. Sorry if my stock isn't up to par during this period.."
  • "Careful when you transport my furniture. Almost had a wardrobe fall on that Chi one time.."
  • "Ah.. folks think I live a comfy life with my furniture business. But they don't know the sacrifices I've made to get to this point. Even now, I still have to worry about my shipments arriving on time or if they are in good condition."
  • "If I could, I would give you a loyalty discount, seeing as you ARE our biggest customer.."
    • ("What's stopping you?") "It's a small community, Tsuki! It ain't fair to the other folk.."
  • "Mmmmmh! *Crack*.....Oh boy... I may have.. stretched a little too hard.."
  • "Be honest Tsuki, do you see silver hairs on my head?"
    • ("Um..") "Ahh.. I guess I can't run from it anymore.. I'm OLD!"
    • ("It's... not that much..") "Ahh.. I guess I can't run from it anymore.. I'm OLD!"
  • "Ahh.. look at these tangles.. The older you get, the harder it is to maintain a decent coat.."
  • "Hope you've been resting well. Farming can take quite a toll on the body!"
  • "Tsuki- bustling about, eh? Take it from an old fox- it's okay to slow down sometimes, appreciate the little things. Not everything has to be about productivity."
  • "I've worked my whole life.. and yet.. You've surpassed me Tsuki.."
  • "Make sure to cherish every moment with the people you love, Tsuki. Treat every conversation as if it were the last.."
  • "I believe everyone has their own unique experiences that define their self. When I talk to folks, instead of projecting my own rules and morals onto them, I try to see things from their perspective."
    • ("So.. empathy?") "HA! Yeah.."
    • ("I'm nice to people so I can get stuff from them.") "Hmm.. that's a little sociopathic.."
  • "Those carrot chips are real popular in MV. They keep us in business!"
  • "Be careful with those rollerblades!"
  • "Mushroom village may seem boring to most folks, but the fishing scene is great!"
  • "A lot of... strong personalities in MV.. Best we can do is try to understand and work together as a community!"
  • "MV isn't about the carrots, furniture or scenery.. ..It's about the people! We are its heart."
    • (Well said!) "... Wouldn't scoff at a million carrots though!"
  • "Let me know if y'all are having trouble upstairs. Pipi's a great worker, but she can get...... distracted.."
  • "Pipi's been spending a lot more time with her crayons. Hope it doesn't distract her too much from her work.."
  • "Pipi you look a lil scruffy, did you shower?"
  • "Pipi keeps goading me to get flowers for the shop. She doesn't understand the amount of maintenance they require!"
  • "YAWN! ...Sorry, didn't get much sleep last night... Pipi had a nightmare, she was spooked out of her mind.. We stayed up real late to watch cartoons till she could go back to sleep.."
  • "Hmm.."
    • ("What's up?") "..That Pipi and her fart jokes... It's getting a little out of hand don't you think? Sometimes I come up there and it smells like something died.."
  • "Ya here to chat with me or Pipi?"
    • (You, of course!) "Haha! Well, your company is always welcome!"
    • (Oh... well.. You're fun to talk too..) "HAHA! Ah, I get it I'm old! You know where to find her..."
  • "Where's that lil rascal run off to.."
    • ("Pipi missing again?") "Ehh that girl's always running about getting into trouble!"
  • "You are familiar with the.. um.. Ranger Animals?
    • ("Anima Rangerz?") "That's the one. Pipi's obsessed with that show. I try to watch them with her but it's... It's a little too much. Why is the plot so convoluted?"
  • "You know, when I was a kid, I was into this show.. 'The Bold Brawler'.. There was only ever one television we could watch episodes of it on- a display one at the shopping street stretching from the train station, ways from my little village. All the other kids and I would run there, only to plant ourselves outside the store for the entire duration of the episode."
    • ("Was it in black and white?")
      "Oh, come on, you brat. I'm not THAT old."
    • ("Wow. Just like Pipi with Anima Ranger Z?") "Heh. I suppose so! Though I will say Anima Ranger Z is definitely the better show. The production value of that show is beyond me.."
  • "I dream of getting a boat one day.. Can you imagine? The fishing trips Pipi and I could go on.."
  • "My little Pipi looks up to you a lot, Tsuki. Make sure you do right by her."
  • "Y'know ever since you've been back, Pipi has been a lot happier. She's been picking up so many hobbies outside her comfort zone."
    • ("She's a good kid!")
      "You're a great role model.. Your grandpa would've been proud!"
  • "Pipi's growing up so fast.. I'm gonna miss these moments.."
  • "Folks say I discipline Pipi too much and then turn around to say that I give her too much freedom. I say let me parent how I will. besides, that Pipi's smart enough to pilot herself.."
  • "Chi's paper? Huh, I didn't even know she was writing a book! Maybe you can check with Benny, I know Chi writes a lot in the town hall.
  • "You're a hardworking, honest, well tempered person. It puzzles me why you spend so much time with that turtle.."
  • "Elfie has been growing on me as of late. I was quite reserved when she'd wanted to rent out this space. But eh.. she's got a kind heart.."
  • "Hope Elfie hasn't caused any problems for you.. Let me know if she does anything shady!"
  • "Haven't seen that Rondo in a long time. He never leaves his mountain.."
    • ("Yea, It's been awhile..") "The bear loves his privacy."
  • "Another day, another carrot..."
  • "I'm glad you are so active in my Pipi's childhood.."


  • "C'mon Tsuki, I ain't young anymore. My throats getting hoarse from all this chit chat!"
  • "If it's not about business, I don't want to hear it!"
  • "Go away!"
  • "Bah! Go bother someone else!"
  • "Bah, go start a conversation elsewhere rabbit.. This old man needs some rest..."
  • "I'm too tired and too old for your shenanigans..."
  • "Talk to me if you buyin or sellin something, eh? No time for small talk."
  • "..."

After buying Pipi's fishing rod:

  • "How's my little girl's fishing rod holding up?
    • (Good!) "That's nice... take care of it huh? She put a lot of work into it."
    • (Meh..)

When you have at least 1 million carrots:

  • "WHAT THE F- HOW DID Y- I DONT- Tsuki, are my old eyes failing me or do you have a MILLION carrots? My god.. you are a tycoon!"
  • "A million carrots... how is that possible.."

When wiping Pipi's nose


  • "I hope you aren't catching a cold, Pipi..."
  • "Here, Pipi, blow your nose..."

When reading the newspaper:


  • "Tsuki, are you caught up on current affairs?"
    • ("Yes! I like to know what's happening in the world.")
      "That's good! We live in strange times, huh?"
    • ("No... Reading the news is scary!")
      "Yeah... I get it. Ignorance really is bliss."
  • "..HA! Natto, you goofball.."
  • "Says here some cartoon on TV caused several children to be sent to the hospital! I knew those cartoons were bad for you!"
  • "They still haven't caught that raccoon yet..."
  • "Furniture black market... huh. Hope they don't put me out of business."
  • "Did you see this? Hareshima islander jumps off a huge wave and breaks every bone in his body... Horrible stuff.."
  • "Oh, that is gruesome! How could they print that on a newspaper!"
  • "Hmm.. J.D.'s still missing ever since those letters.. Coward.. can't believe Chi reads his crap!"
  • "Tsuki, I'm reading!" (pester)
  • "TSUKI! I'm trying to read here..." (pester)
  • "...You're making this old fox very upset." (pester)

When asked about being Daily Carrot's No.1 Fan:

  • [missing] ... "He took the photo last week. I think he just made up a fake article."
    • ("So... he's completely out of ideas...")
    • ("I hate this town so much...")
    • ("What is the point... seriously. WHAT IS THE POINT?")
    • ("This is... This is just weird and sad, bro...")
    • ("It wasn't even an interesting article. Why bother?")
    • ("We should boycott the Daily Carrot. Absolute garbage.")
    • ("Are we that boring? Is this what we've come to?")

When near Momo:

  • "Momo takes forever to make a purchase. Also takes forever to make her tea! Haha! Ahh, Momo why you looking at me like that? You know it's true!

Near closing time

  • "*Snort* Huh.. what? Oh, its you.. what do you want?"
  • "Almost time to knock off..."
  • "Shift's about done. I bet Pipi's just as ready as I am to leave."
  • "We're closin shop soon! Elfie'll take over in a bit.

When sleeping or tired:


  • "Zzzz....nnnghh... I know it's you, Tsuki.... Nnngh, I'll be with you in a moment."
  • "Ahh... I dream of Momo's tea...."
  • "Sorry, gettin' a little old for these hours.."
  • "Ahh...can't wait to relax at Momo's.. "Will I see you there pal?"
    • (You bet!) "Good.. good.. You have a very cheerful presence!"
  • "Would be nice if I could just plop onto one of the display beds, huh? ....I'm joking, of course."
  • "Long day..."

50,000 carrots at Pipi's bedside incident (only possible after talking to Pipi about last fang)

  • "Agh! Oh, it's you. Damn near scared me there, Tsuki."
    • ("Someone's a little jumpy today...) "With reason; I worry someone might have broken into my home last night!"
      • "Pipi woke up with a sack of carrots next to her bed- A HUGE sack, something like fifty thousand carrots."
        • ("I'm surprised you gave her so many carrots, Yori. Fifty thousand's pretty crazy.) "You're right, Tsuki! But it WASN'T me! I only ever put some carrots under Pipi's pillow the last few times her teeth fell off."
        • ("I mean. It was the Tooth Nymph, Yori. Duh.") "I'm not joking around, Tsuki..! That sack of carrots came from somewhere, and I'm really worried about it.."
          • "Someone knew about her final fang falling off, and they broke into our home, and then placed a giant sack of carrots by her bedside."
            • ("I don't know Yori. Your theory sounds really out-there.) "I mean... now that I've said it out loud it really does sound ridiculous..."
              • "I can't think of any reason why anyone in Mushroom Village would give Pipi such an inordinate amount of carrots."
              • "Plus, there really wasn't any sign of anyone entering my home. I checked pretty thoroughly."
              • "...yeah, I'm really drawing a blank here, Tsuki."
                • ("So if it wasn't you, and if no one could have possibly broken into your home... then...") "You're not implying that..."
                  • "I mean... I do think guardian spirits and tutelaries exist, but..."
                  • "Goodness, Tsuki. I'm beginning to question everything I ever knew about the world..."
                    • ("I guess Tooth Nymphs really do exist. Too bad I don't have any more teeth falling out. Unless maybe I...") "I'm not sure that would fly with the Tooth Nymph."
                    • ("You and me both, Yori. You and me.") "Haaaah. I should be thankful we only ever got visited by such a benevolent spirit."
                      • "Gah! Look at me talking about it like it's real!"
                      • "..."

At second floor

With Pipi over his head:


  • "Hey Tsu-ow! Be careful up there! Sorry about that, Pipi's full of energy today.."
  • "Careful not to get too close! You'll be her next victim.."
  • "Now you know why I'm always achin everywhere.. I'm too old for this!"
  • "If I don't let this lil monster climb my head, she's just gonna do it to someone else!"
  • "Sigh...... Someday in the future, I'm gonna miss these mome-OW!"
  • "Did you need something Tsuki? I already have mu hands full with this furball on my head.."
  • "We'll be with you in a minute. I gotta get this Pipi settled down first.."


  • "Spring time already, huh? Looks like I've just gone from wiping snow off Pipi to... wiping dirt off her instead.
  • "Ahh, gone are the days I'd go Egg Hunting.
    • (Aww, it's great fun, though...) No, no, I fully recognize it's fun. I just figured the toll it takes on my old body just isn't worth it.

At Bobo's Ramen Restaurant


  • "Come, join me Tsuki!" [without Pipi]
  • "Come have dinner with us, Tsuki!" [with Pipi]
  • "Bobo is a master in the kitchen. Watching him cook is quite a spectacle. You shouldn't bother him while he's flipping that pan though, it can make him quite irritable! That Moca learned the hard way.."
  • "I wouldn't bother Rose while she's eating. She needs her space.."
  • "Lets talk later Tsuki. I have to finish my noodles.." (pester)
  • "Ahh. Cut the old man some slack eh? I'm starving!" (pester)
  • "Such a pest! Bobo's not gonna like this!" (pester)

At Momo's Tea House

  • "Cheers Tsuki!"
  • "*Siiip!*"
  • "*Siiip!*.....Ahh...."
  • "This tea really hits the spot!"
  • "Ahhh.... This tea warms my heart.."
  • "Been coming here all my life.."
    • ("Never get sick of it?")
      "Sick of this? That's like getting sick of breathing air! Impossible.."
  • "I keep telling Pipi to blow her tea before she gulps it down. So impatient, that one!"
  • "There's no 'method' to drinking tea as Moca might lead you to believe.. Enjoy it however you wish.."
  • "Be honest Tsuki. Who runs the shop better, me or the possum?"
    • ("You!")
      "Ehh well, been in the business 25 years! Gotta count for something right?"
    • ("Elfie!")
      "AAH, you just chose her cause she's a pretty girl! Bastard! HA!"
    • ("Um.. No difference..")
      "Don't wanna break the old man's heart ah? HA! She's a good worker, that Elfie. Pipi needs to adopt her work ethic!"
  • "Y'know if Momo expanded her tea business to the city, she might be extremely successful!"
    • ("It's hard though.. running multiple outlets!")
      "Mmm.. very true. Not as easy as managing a single store with a handful of customers.."
    • ("She moves too slow!")
      "I guess you're right. City life is fast paced, she might not be able to keep up! Perhaps she thrives best in MV, where time trickles downstream at a snail's pace.."
  • "That Momo and Bobo feud's gotten a lot worse over the past few months.. It breaks my heart..."
  • "Can't stand seeing my good friends fight over such petty matters.. Bobo and Momo need to work out their differences.."
    • ("What happened exactly?")
      "Ahhh... well long story short, Bobo and Momo always had a history of clashing personalities. But when Bobo moved his cart closer to Momo's teahouse to "poach" her customers, that's when "shit hit the fan" as one may say."
    • ("Who do you side with?")
      "I wouldn't pick any side! Both are at grievous fault for escalating the problem to this level.."

At Mermaid Coast

During the day

  • "Morning, Tsuki! Come to partake in the ocean's bounty?"
  • "Always nice to have a fellow angler for company!"
  • "Nothing like the early morning breeze.."
  • "Listen to those waves... bliss.."
  • "Mornin's the best time to be catching fish. They're all just waking up, they're not thinking straight!"
  • "Fish like to show up at different times. If you're lookin to snare a specific kind, it'd be good to keep a record of when those fish are up and about!"
  • "There are plenty more species of fish to catch around town besides the ones at the pier. If you're looking for new experiences, you can try fishing at different bodies of water!"
  • "Don't get discouraged if you fish up some old bottles or cans. Happens to the best of us!"
  • "If there were any reason to come to MV, it'd be for fishing! For such a remote island, we've got all kinds of unique species swimming about our waters."
  • "You plan on snaring some big ones today?"
    • ("Hopefully!")
      "I wish you luck!"
  • "Hmm.. fish aren't really biting today.."
  • "Tsuki... you... there's no more fish..."
    • ("What??")
      "Sigh... The ocean's dry... its impossible to catch anything now..."
  • "Can't wait till I retire.."
    • ("What'll you do after?")
      "Well..... This."
  • "That rod my daughter made.. be careful with it!"
  • "Once Pipi gets big enough, I will impart my fishing skills to her. She'll be an expert angler in no time!"
  • "Some folks hate the smell of the sea.. I get fond memories whenever that salty air hits my nose!"
  • "..."

At night

  • "Tsuki! Here for some late night fishing eh?"
  • "Sundown's the perfect time to be catchin fish. It's too dark to see, they'll swim blindly into your hook!"
  • "After a hard day's work, nothing beats relaxing by the pier.. wind in your fur.. fishing rod in hand.."
  • "Fishing takes patience. Not everyone has the willpower to sit here for hours on end.."
    • ("Fish sell for a good price!")
      "Well.. I fish mainly for the sport of it. But hey, whatever keeps you interested!"
    • ("It's a great way to destress!")
      "Very true! It gives me time to reflect on the day and enjoy some peace and quiet.. Also, nap!"
  • "It's quite strange how you're able to haul such massive fish from the ocean at your size! You're incredibly strong!"
  • "Careful when you sit so near the edge. I've seen folks fall over too many times to count!"
  • "You've got some great line casting technique!"
  • "Fishing takes my mind off my work.. Its therapeutic for me!"
  • "How's the catch? Sardines at least, I hope!"
    • ("I'm doing alright!")
      "Remember to flick that wrist when you cast the line!"
  • "Pipi, be careful near the edge!"
  • "Pipi, don't make so much noise, you'll frighten the fish!"


  • "Woah! Don't make me lose concentration Tsuki!"
  • "Pay attention to the rope, please!"


When receive present:

  • "Heya, Tsuki. Hmm? A gift from Santa? For me?"
    • (Erm, yes. So I was told.Yorispresent.png) (getting new parsnap)
  • "No way. A fish finder sonar? I've been getting advertisements for these non-stop on my phone. How'd you know... Nevermind that- don't you think I'm a little too old for tales of "Santa" gifting me stuff? Better regale Pipi with stories like that. She still demands I send her handwritten letters to him for her..."
    • (And you indulge her?) "'Course I do. Though all I really do is drop her letters at the mailbox. Lord knows where the letters actually end up..."
  • "Anywho, here's a little something from me too. You're a big fan of decorating your house and stuff right?"
    • (Holy smokes. It singing. Fishmount.png)
  • "Yes, yes! Ain't it hilarious? I thought this would make a perfect gift for your home, as a fellow fisherman! Thank you again for your thoughtful gift, Tsuki. This thing will be seeing much use."

When building the snowman:

  • "Hello, Tsuki!"
  • "Huh, it's really, really starting to look like Miyabi."
  • "Bit of a shame you left MV before Miyabi moved in with me. You guys probably would've gotten along famously!"
    • (What was she like?) "Where do I even begin! She had the goofiest smile. A little bit of a prankster. She LOVED chatting people up, not unlike the way you do. And, heh, she's a little bit of a troublemaker too! That's how we met."
  • "Ahhh, my back's startin' to hurt."
  • "She likes...liked this shade of pink too. Like momma like daughter, huh?"
  • "Y'know I did a fair bit of clay pottery in my youth... And I'm pleased to report anything I've learnt from it doesn't apply to making snowmen!"
  • "I know some people might think creating snowmen out of loved ones who have passed on might seem a touch...macabre, but I think it's a nice thing to do. It's like we're honoring them, no? This whole thing would've made her laugh her butt off too now that I think about it..."
  • "Heh, Pipi's pretty good at this... Maybe I should get her some modelling clay to work with."