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Elfie is a possum who works the night shift in Yori's General Store. She has an unknown amount of siblings. She used to live with her family in a small shack.


Elfie has greyish brown fur, with a white face and tummy. When working at Yori's, a blue apron is tied around her waist.


Elfie is grumpy, stand-offish, and can sometimes be rude to Tsuki, saying he is "nosey as hell". However, as the game progresses, she opens up and makes more efforts to befriend the townsfolk. She has a soft spot for Paige, Coworker at yori's store.

Parsnap entries


Elfie stays on the bottom floor of Yori's General Store. She occasionally reads a book at the front desk, or uses her phone in the middle of the store. Sometimes, before and after her shift, she can be seen sitting on the floor with Paige while writing on a piece of paper.


All locations

  • "The old man's been good to me, and he kind reminds me of my dad."
  • "When Yori's around, the turtle doesn't talk so much trash. He's just a little coward."
  • "I really quite like the little one, she reminds me of someone I knew back home."
  • "Tsuki, please, I need some quiet." (pester)
  • "Tsuki..." (pester)

Yori's General Store

First meet

  • "Oh.... hey.."
    • (I'm Tsuki!) "Yeah.. I've heard about you. The one who lives in the big tree right?"
      • (That's me!) "I'm Elfie. This is my store. Yori is in during the day, I take over when it gets dark out. Feel free to browse the wares.."
        • (It was nice to meet you!) "Mm.."
      • (What's your name?)


  • "Got something for sale?"
  • "Hmm... I can pay [number] carrots for that.
    • (Sold!) "Enjoy those carrots!"
    • (I've changed my mind!)



  • "It's good to see you, Tsuki!"
  • "Tsuki!"
  • "You know, you really shouldn't be up so late at night."
    • (If I wasn't, how could I talk to you?) "Oh you..."
    • (Sleep is overrated.)
  • "Right on cue, my main source of income."
  • "I'll..just be by the counter. Customers hate it when people intrude on their shopping, right? I know I do."
  • "Furniture's over there."
  • "How are you Tsuki? Been missing your company lately..."
  • "My family couldn't affort any of the furniture here. We lived in a little shack off the side of the road. My dad would tell us that we'd one day live in a mansion. Bit silly really... but I believed that."
  • "Ooh, Night Crawlers? I love that comic! When the darkness falls... what crawleth from the depths... No matter what foul beast may bare it's fangs... Detective Scully is on the case!"
  • "It's nice and quiet outside. Mushroom Village should be like this all year round."
  • "Back home, there's this huge bottomless lake, I used to go with... my brother. We had this little dinghy, so we'd take it out and see the stars at night. I miss that the most."
  • "So, Tsuki, what's the city like?
    • (Pretty fun, actually!) "I'd love to go someday."
    • (It's gross, and the people are rude!) "Really? But there are a couple rude *ahem* turtles *ahem* here too!"
  • "My mother, she'd bake when she wasn't working. Cakes, cookies and cupcakes, she made them all... My siblings and I would fight over the pastries. And mom would be there to wipe the powdered sugar off our faces. That all stopped, when... well, she just didn't have in it her after that..."
  • "And here comes the chatty rabbit."
  • "If I had to choose between you and the turtle to come barging in I'd much rather have you. You're nosey as hell, but the other guy? He's insufferable. Critisizes everything and bounces. At least you actually buy things."
  • "I'm not gonna be much company, rabbit. I don't know who else would be awake at this ungodly hour but you should talk to them instead.
  • "I don't have any stories to tell.. Quit lookin' at me like that."
  • "You'd think opening up a 'Late-Night Furniture Store' would beget less social interactions than this. Yet here you are."
  • "Hey, could you please make a purchase, or leave? Either one, would be great."
  • "You gonna browse around all night?"
  • "Winter's a good season in my book. Though my body seems to disagree."
  • "Why.. Are you pushing for some kind of conversation? I'm only here because I'm manning the shop. Not to be your readily available interlocutor."
    • (Inter- what now?) "Aughhh..."
  • "Ah yes, I was wondering when you'd show up again."
  • "I see you reeling in fish after fish. Good to see your hoarder antics extend beyond furniture.. I guess."
  • "I'm beginning to suspect you have some sort.. furniture addiction."
  • "So... how's the fishing going?"
    • (Pretty good actually!) "Cool. I uhh... hope you catch a big one."
    • (You... wanna come with?) "Don't do that. I'm just making small talk."
    • (Just let me know if you change your mind.) "Don't hold your breath."
  • "I don't really get along with the rest of the villagers. Don't know why. I just don't."
    • (I could introduce you.) "No thanks. Talking to you is enough."
  • "... It's a pretty good time to fo gish, don't you think? Maybe... you should go... fish."
  • "Hey, Tsuki, I've been thinking, you know, there isn't much to do in this town. And frankly, the boredom is killing me... So... I was just wondering if you had like a spare fishing rod?"
    • (No I actually don't...) "Ahhh... Shucks... Nevermind then..."
  • "Let's go, rabbit - buy, buy buy..!"
  • "Geez. The moment we've made eye contact I knew you were gonna walk over and chat me up. I know by now there's no escape. So..... Sigh..... Augh...... ...... What's ... up?"
  • "I've been meaning to ask you. How is fishing fun? It seems like you're just sitting there and wait for something to happen?
    • (Patience is a virtue.)
    • (It's the atmosphere of it. The longer you wait, the cooler it is when you actually catch something.) "Theory of relativity huh. Interesting."
  • "... Nice weather, huh?"
  • "Sigh. I have no idea if you can relate but I don't know why I always look forward to my shift ending... When all I ever do in my off-hours is dread going back to work again anyway."
  • "C'mon, buy more stuff you don't need."
    • (It's nice to have things.) "Great response. You've singlehandedly changed my worldview."
    • (You're selling them.You're part of the system.)
  • "Saw you fishing the other day. The old man does too."
    • (Do you fish?) "Nah... never saw the appeal in it."
  • "I'm out of things to say. Be on your way now." (pester)
  • "Enough conversation, it's too much." (pester)
  • "Seriously? What is wrong with you?" (pester)
  • "I said that's enough!" (pester)
  • "..." (pester)

When sleeping

  • "...Wha? Oh, it's you."
  • "Ugh, I'm so tired..."

When reading notes


  • "...new shipment, coming tomorrow..."
  • "...stock's running a little low..."
  • "...50? No, maybe 40 more chairs..."
  • "...hmm, maybe some of Ms Moon's stuff..."

When reading a book


  • "Hey. I gotta focus on this book. Can't talk."
  • "Oh hey Tsuki. Just catching up on some light reading."
  • "I picked up this YA fiction on a whim. I used to be a little embarrassed about reading stuff like this but I don't really care anymore."
  • "Oh. Didn't realize this was a romance novel. Hahaha, who even has the time.."
  • "The books help with the more boring nights. You know, when you don't drop by."
  • "Didn't realize I'm in a book club meeting. Well here's the official review: book's fine."
    • (I've got a friend who loves reading.) "Good for them..? Do you always talk about second-hand experiences?"
  • "Uhh.. This is getting into uncomfortable territory. I haven't flipped a page since you got here."
  • "Auugh. This stuff isn't interesting I swear. Maybe go inspect the furniture over there.. Infinitely more interesting."
  • "You heard me, right? I'm trying to read here."
  • "Tsuki, if you don't mind. I wanna get back to my book now." (pester)
  • "Tsuki, please stop... There's always next time. I'm not going anywhere. Not this time." (pester)
  • "I'm gonna start ignoring you from now..!" (pester)

When using phone


  • "Well that was a particularly glum piece of news.."
  • "Targeted advertisments are getting out of hand.. I didn't even know I wanted this product until I saw it.."
  • "You trying to snoop at my phone or something..? I've got nothing to hide, but I won't indulge you. You're already plenty snoopy. Can't encourage this behaviour now, can I?"
  • "Gotta say I didn't think this phone would be so cool!"
  • "Imagine being a grievously underpaid intern in charge of composing posts for a product while referencing the lastest social media trend. And the best you can come up with is an image of a decade old memes? I can't this decide if this is sad or funny."
  • "I'm finding myself locking my phone and unlocking it after 5 minutes despite not having anything to do on it."
  • "You shuld be sleeping. Surely something like furniture shopping can wait, right?"
  • "Social media is so pointless..."
  • "What?"
    • (Add me on Parsnap!) "Umm... no, I don't use it."
    • (Nothing...) "Okay...?"
  • "Auugh, I'm just cycling through the same three apps.."
  • "Ugh this guy... Deleting contact..."
  • "I like to keep my phone organized! Love to see it look exactly how I want it.
  • "Either memes these days are getting way more complex or I'm just seriously out of touch with internet culture.."
  • "I wish there was a social media that was more relaxed... All these sites demand so much from me..."
  • "Tsuki, what's the point of Parsnap?"
    • (It's just something fun to do.) "It does look like you have fun with it. Maybe.... nevermind..."
    • (I like capturing memories of my friends!) "Yeah, but I don't know about the whole likes and comments... Seems a little... argh... I don't know..."
    • (Scoring social points!) "I knew it! Yeah, it's just all a facade, isn't it? But... I mean... it's still kinda cool right? I don't know..."
  • "I was hoping no one would come barging in. Was about to listen to a podcast.."
  • "Hey... Tsuki. Can I... can I have your Parsnap ID?"
    • (Of course!) "Really? Thanks Tsuki... It's still dumb but I guess, it's not wrong, it's just an app for fun. Anyway, let's take a selfie!"
    • (I don't know...)
  • "Maybe I can take a photo of some furniture? That might get me some likes..."
  • "Tsuki, your posts are on Parsnap are so cute!"
  • "The battery on my phone is running low... Wait a minute, yours is too!"
  • Wow, another promoted product. Aaaaand blocking this brand account.”
    • "My blocklist must be in the thousands.. They just keep coming back though.”
  • "Everyone in the village is always posting stuff online. It's one big party, huh?
    • (Yeah, it's fun!) "How predictable of you, Tsuki."
    • (It's not that great...) "Yeah! It's all just a big nothing!"

When blowing her nose

  • "Guh... Welcome...and all that junk. The air...is so damn dry... My nose can't take it anymore...Maybe I should ask Yori to set up a humidifier or something."
    • (Go for it!) "Yeah, but that would require me having to grovel before me boss for something unecessary. So, no."
  • "Ughhh... I'm miserable."
    • (Show some winter spirit!) "I cannot. Show you something. I don't have. What I do have is this snot-laden handkerchief. I can show that to you instead, hm?"
  • "Kudos to Paige for being able to put up with all the sounds of my sniffling and nose blowing..."
  • "You still wanna talk to me? Even when I'm in such a sickly state?" (pester)
  • "Aughh... Please go if you're not here to buy anything..." (pester)

When Moca is at the shop

  • "Ugh... sorry Tsuki, I just can't stand that guy."
    • (Who?) "You know... the green one... He really grinds my gears... Showing up late at night and criticizing the furniture on sale."

Bobo's Ramen Restaurant:


  • "Hey. Just getting some food before I open up shop. ...You here for some grub too? I mean.. Duh. Of course you are."
  • "I used to eat real quick and bolt. Didn't wanna exchange words needlessly. Now I just kinda idle about.. Sometimes maybe even chat with whoever's here. It's real nice."
  • "I don't think Bobo ever bothered to remember my name.. Not that it matters to me. Oddly enough, he does remember how I like my ramen."
  • "Bobo..he's a real stickler for perfection. When I first ate here he kept checking whether the ramen he'd cooked up then was perfect for me. Naturally, I didn't give him much feedback beyond curt responses but through several rounds of trila and error he eventually got to the perfect amount of saltiness i preferred."
  • "I like the noodles borderline mushy. I know, I know- gross and whatever right?
    • (Eww? Al dente is the only way.) "Auuughhh.. I don't need to hear this again.
    • (Hey- to each their own.) "Oh. Was half expecting you to go on a whole thing."
  • "I love feeling the warm broth going through my throat. What is it Bobo says? Food for the soul and all that."
  • "There's something about the ramen cart experience. It feels a lot more personal than just eating at some fast food eatery. It's funny. I would've preferred the latter a lot more awhile ago. Now, I wouldn't trade this experience for anything else."
  • "Honestly, I think if Bobo and Momo set their squabble aside they'd make good friends. They.. Hmm, they kinda have the same...mindedness."
  • "Do you reckon he'd blow a fuse if I suggest he served some udon or soba too? Those were always more my style. He seemes the type to get offended at the gall to imply any sort of criticism."
  • "Mmmm... this is good..."
  • "Yeah..? Needy today aren'tcha? Could we maybe continue this conversation at the shop later?" (pester)
  • "Buddy, you know how Bobo gets when you pester his customers too much right..?" (pester)
  • "Woof. That looks rough. That's bound to bruise.. C'mon, Tsuki, you know better." (pester)
  • "..." (pester)

Momo's Tea House:

When eating dango


  • "Tsuki! This snack is sooo good! I can't even describe it!"
    • (Can I try it?) "Here!" [parsnap entry]
  • "Mmm... Tsuki! This right here... It's... mmm.... so good. It's the SHIT, Tsuki!"
    • (What is it?) "Something called a uhh... dango? I don't even know what it's made of to be honest."
  • "Mmm... I want some more!"
  • "You know, I find myself thinking about home. I didn't leave on such a good note, and there are things I wish I could say to them now. But I can't..."
    • (Why not?) "It's complicated. I did some things and I don't know if they can ever truly forgive me."
    • (Maybe some things are better left unsaid...)

When using phone

  • "Tsuki, your posts on Parsnap are so cute!"

Geisha's Bar

  • "They've got some pretty sweet furniture in here. God. Listen to me. I think your furniture obsession is getting to me too."
  • "Before you voice any concerns, the buzz wears off before my shift starts."
  • "I know it's an unpopular opinion but this really is the best time to be in a bar. There's practically no one here. Plus, happy hour prices."
  • "What the hell am I doing..."
  • "It's a shame there aren't any performances at this time."
  • "Sigh, I was so young and stupid before. Now I'm older and just as stupid."
    • (You're really not stupid.) "Intelligence is a fluid concept- I know. I'm still stupid in some aspect. No, I'm not gonna elaborate."
  • "Oh, uhhh. Hey there. Didn't think you'd be here."
  • "Can you at least...wait till later to bother me..?"
  • "Have I given you any indication that I want to chat? If I somehow have let me clarify: I don't."
  • "This bartender guy...he's infuriatingly wise, I admit. He's still a smartass busybody."
  • "Really wish they had a dartboard in here... First thing I'd do is challenge you and totally kick your ass."
  • "Guhhhh..... Please go away."
  • "..."

The Daily Carrot

Exclusive Winter Newspapers

Winter Flu! Surprisingly Adorable!
  • "Auughhh. Not this again..."
    • (Need a tissue?) "Oh, come on. Me getting my butt kicked by winter allergies hardly counts as breaking news. What's the big idea..?"
      • (I mean the article called you 'adorable'. That's a compliment!) "I don't want to be perceived as cute. In fact, I don't want be perceived at all!"
      • (The news team is out of ideas...) "Then don't put anything out! The village isn't going to fall apart if there isn't news...


When receive present

  • "Oh, hey."
    • (Hi, Elfie! I was instructed by one of Santa's helpers to gift this to you! Elfiespresent.png)
  • ".......Sigh. I know better than to look a gift horse in the mouse but I have to say this whole Santa pretense is a little patronizing... Don't give me that dejected look... Hey, look, I'm gonna unwrap this present you got me, okay? (getting new parsnap) ....Oh, wow. Do you have access to my Pawmazon Wishlist or something? This is the exact ebook reader I've been wanting."
    • (Ermm... It's all holiday magic..!)
  • "....Okay, make sure to tell Santa that I'm grateful, then. And, uh... I have something for you, too. It...isn't much. I'm crap with gift hunting and...augh, just take it already."
    • (Chocolate? Ooooh, looks delish! ) "Yeah, I know what you're thinking. "Yay, perishables..!" ..Anyway, thanks again for the gift. It'll be getting a lot of use."
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Mushroom Village