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During the day, she can be found at Momo’s tea shop or at the pier. She can be found in Yori’s store working as store clerk at night.

She lives in an apartment that's not on the map.



Paige is very calm and down to earth. She has a more childish side to her shown through her love of food and hate of being cooped up for too long. Paige enjoys woodcarving and painting.

Parsnap entries



All locations

  • "Tsuki's here! Fun, fun, fun!"
  • "MV really is one laid-back village. I can see why some people would choose to live here."
    • (You're not from around here?) "I live a liiitle further away from the main area. It's nice, but there's nothing there left for me to explore. I initially wanted to find a place in a big city but, well... some things happened and I had to stay."
    • (Yup.) "And the people here are nice too! Like you!"
  • "Mushroom Village is really such an underrated spot. Maybe there aren't many visitors because people think its boring?"

Yori's General Store

  • "Oh, hi, you! Tsuki, right?"
  • "Hiya, Tsuki!"
  • "Aw. Do you actually need something from here or did you just want to hear me prattle?"
  • "I'm a huge fan of these uniform-apron thingamajigs. We don't really need it but I guess it's good for... branding?"
  • "Tsuki... I'm not hungry but I just wanna munch on something right now. I think I just wanna eat 'cuz I'm BORED."
  • "I haven't had many friends growing up, so befriending new people gets a little... tricky. But I know Elfie's got a heart of gold beneath that icy exterior. I'll just have to melt it with kindness, I suppose!"
  • "I wonder how Pipi puts up with being holed up here for so long. I'd probably throw a tantrum and break out of here if I were her. Yeah, I was a pretty troublesome kid growing up."
  • "You need a bag with your purchase? Just kidding, we don't have bags of any sort. Good for store's environmental footprint, eh?"
  • "Anything catch your eye? I'd give you a discount but I legally can't do that..."
  • "Wish more people came by... I wanna engage! In! Small talk!"
  • "I could honestly get away with taking a nap on the job, but I just... am not tired. I wonder what the village is like this time of the night? I'm itching to go out and explore, but well... responsibilities. Err... anyway, buy something?"
  • "Oh... weird craving time. I kinda want soup."
  • "Tsuki, can you hear me from downstairs?"
    • (Sure can. It's pretty quiet this time of the night.) "Oh. Then Elfie must be deliberately ignoring me. Oh, Paige, you big dummy. You probably talked her up too much."
  • "Oh my gosh. I'd stab someone for some pecan pie. Hey, I'm just kidding- why are you stepping back?"
  • "I think Elfie sometimes listens to... a comedy podcast, or something, when there really aren't any customers. I thought she was crazy. I'd hear laughter from downstairs. To be fair, I sometimes talk to myself so she might think I'm crazy too."
  • "Guhhh, getting pretty tired from all this standing..."

When woodcarving


  • "Heey there, friend! Watch your step, there's some bits of wood on the floor."
  • "Hi Tsuki! Don't worry I'll clean the mess up."
  • "Scarlett said something pretty profound to me the other day- about wood carving. What was it again... Oh yeah. Wood sculptures don't survive undamaged like bronze and stone. Oh, she was so much more eloquent when she said it. Something about how its vulnerability to decay and insects and fire makes it something precious. A piece of art for the present."
  • "I can't wait to show this to Scarlett. She's the only person who's as invested as I am in this... this crazy gnome saga I cooked up willy nilly."
  • "Sometimes I change up where I start carving from just to see how it'll turn out. They almost never come out the way I would've pictured but I think that's awesome."
  • "Oh, oop. My guidelines must've been a little off... Oh well! I suppose gnomes just have tiny feet!"
  • "This switchblade isn't really the ideal type of knife to use for whittling..."
    • (Why not get a different one?) "Well. I've grown used to this one. Plus it's pocketable. ...And it was a gift from my dad, haha.""
  • "Moca sometimes catches me carving. If I have to put up with his backseat carving commentary again I swear I'm gonna throw some of this wood dust at his face!"
    • (Should I be worried?) "Don't worry, I'm not actually going to... That's much too overt for my modus operandi."
    • (Woah.) "Let's just say the hours move slower this time of the night. I have a lot of time to nurse a grudge."
  • I normally bag a beached chunk of wood at the pier, or just a sizeable branch at the station to work on. You could say this gnome is a product of MV! I have an emergency block of basswood if I don't find anything good, though."
  • "Gotta make sure the hat's not too upright."
    • (... Do you only make gnomes?) "No, I make other stuff too. Gnomes are just fun for me. I like coming up with stories for them. I've got a whole colony of them at my apartment."
  • "There's something therapeutic about just the repeated sounds of the wood crackling under my blade..."
  • "Oh, I can't wait to get home and paint this guy already."
  • "One big, unruly beard... This guy likes his hair au naturale."
  • "Hey, feel my paw pads."
    • (Woah! They're so hard.) "Cool, huh? Calluses started forming on them when I got more in whittling. It's so thick now the knife sometimes don't even nick my pads when I mess up."
  • "I can pretty much do this absent-mindedly. Great to 'whittle away' at time, too, heh."
  • "I like making them asymmetrical. It's easier, yeah, but it's also infinitely more interesting too me thinks."

When downstairs

  • "I've learnt people don't love when I just shoot them question after question. Can't help that I'm wired that way..."
  • "Meeting new people in a new environment can be tough... You can never be too sure of a person's demeanor..."
  • "Sorry if I seem reserved... People tell me I talk too much."
  • "People always say not to talk to strangers but... I see you and I don't really follow that rule, huh?"
  • "Soooo... What do you do?"
    • (Whole lotta farming carrots and fishing fish!) "Woooah, that sounds grueling... but fun! I could see myself as a farmer in an alternate universe."
    • (I like making my house look nice with furniture...) "Wow! That's so. Valid. I don't personally think I have an eye for aesthetic, well not conventional aesthetic, but that's really cool."
    • (I just go around talking to everyone... a lot...!) "Oh, I totally relate. It's like... in a video game, yeah? I always make sure I talk to every single NPC. What's your story? What are you up to? Tell me all the secrets!"

When making crosswords

  • "What's a 5 letter word for 'greetings'?
    • (Hello?) "Haha, hi to you too, Tsuki!"
  • "Hmm..."
    • (It looks like you're just doodling on the page...) "I'm the kind of gal who just does what's fun!"
  • "Okay, wow. I just finished this puzzle after a week of thinking. That didn't really feel as rewarding as I hoped."
  • "I used to do these on the weekly papers with my dad... It's not as fun on my own now. Eh... I'm just not one to spend a whole day tickling the old grey matter."
  • "I picked this up at the bookstore on a whim and I pretty much got bored after completing 3 of these... Oops."
  • "Ok, what. Some of these clues are actually ludicrous. ...Now hang on. 'Ludicrous' was actually the answer to one of them. Go me!"

When tired


  • "Heya, Tsuki! Welcome to Yori's! It's technically still Yori's, right?"
  • "Worked my butt off for a degree and here I am selling bits and bobs in a general store in the middle of a hushed townlet... Eep. I realize I sound like I'm complaining but I promise I'm not."
    • (It's okay to not love EVERYTHING about a job.) "You're so right. It gets a little boring at times but this town still hosts some of my favorite people so I'm thankful for that."
    • (What did you major in?) ".......Hospitality and tourism. I was supposed to intern at this well-known bougie hotel in the city but, well... Stuff happened."
      • (I've been in a similar situation.) "I guess life's just like that. I just hope life aligns more with my vision in like five or ten years from now..."
      • (Wanna talk about it?) "I...yeah. Talking about bad stuff can be good. I'll preface with this though, it's a little bit of a bummer. I was making a pretty big case to my LOVELY but mega protective parents to let me move out and experience the big city on my own. I've always thrived on being independent. I love them to bits but I didn't want to be held back. Found a place to stay, a once-in-a-lifetime internship- I was set. But dad, a stroke. It was so sudden. ... Mom was so heartbroken- she still is. And I just couldn't bring myself to move far away. I needed to be there for her."
        • (I'm really sorry...) "Agh..! No, I'm sorry- this is really embarrassing. Man, am I really tearing up on the job? I hope Elfie doesn't see this. Okay, girl, breathe.... Hah... Yeah. So, yeah. Here I am. Executing a lite version of my initial plan. I moved out, just a few blocks down from mom and got a job at a place that...wasn't strictly home. It's not ideal, but it's okay. ...So yeah! That's my story. Can we talk about happy stuff again?"
  • "Elfie, as I predicted, is actually one big softie! She's actually so witty too. We've been bitching about Moca a LOT lately. So I guess that's one good thing Moca's done. Be a big enough asshole to bring Elfie and I together."
  • "Elfie's kinda bad with eye contact, I've noticed. It's kinda funny...and cute?"
  • "Moca's a creature of night I realized. He seems to have made a routine out of coming over here to insult the wares. The nerve of him."
    • (Sounds like you're also not a fan of his.) "You're right, I'm not. You're too nice for even staying friends with him. I wish I could do something to him...but that wouldn't be good customer service now would it?"
  • "Pipi has been leaving me notes when her shift ends. We've been having daily correspondence this way. I'm really enjoying the doodles on them too."
  • "Sometimes, when it's suuuper quiet, I can hear the music from the bar."
  • "La dee da... doo to doo doo..."
    • (Hey that sounds familiar.) "Yeah, it's a Scarlett song! It's been stuck in my head..."

Mermaid Coast

When sitting at the pier

  • "Hiya, Tsuki! Come sit with me."
  • "Wow, the breeze here is so nice... it's a pretty scenic view too."
  • "I've heard people don't love when I just shoot them question after question. Can't help that I'm wired that way..."
  • "People always say not to talk to strangers but... I see you and don't really follow that rule, huh?"
  • "Meeting new people in a new environment can be tough... you can never be too sure of a person's demeanor..."
  • "My dad used to sing to himself whenever we were out fishing. He was TERRIBLE. His voice was shrill... and I'm kinda convinced he's tone deaf too. I can't believe I miss it..."

When watching Tsuki fishing

  • "Oh, hi! I didn't think you'd be here too."
  • "Is it weird that I don't really like fishing myself but I enjoy watching people do it?"
  • "People get freaked out by deep sea creatures and talk of hadal zones and what have you- but isn't it fascinating? It's like another world down there. I don't think it's as scary or lonely as one would imagine."
  • "It'd be sweet if I could breathe underwater. I'd pop by the bottom of the ocean and be like "hey, what's going on!"."
  • "I sometimes see ships crossing paths, flashing messages to one another in passing. I wonder what they're saying to each other?"
  • "I hope you get a big one!"
  • "When the season's right, you can watch the salmon run. I wonder how it feels like for them? Does it feel like coming home?"
    • (Never thought about it before...) "Doesn't it sound epic? A harrowing journey of transformation and purpose...only to come back where you started to rest."
    • (Salmon run?) "It's the butt end of a salmon's life cycle. They come back to their natal homes after growing their bodies in the ocean to spawn."
  • "It's nice to get some sun. It just feels good."

When eating her bento

  • "Hi, Tsuki!"
  • "Tsuki! Nice to see you. Just getting my grub on before work start later. Woo. I sound like such an adult."
  • "I'll be real with you, Tsuki... Sometimes I eat out here because Bobo gets all grumpy when he sees me eating my own food at Momo's..."
  • "Momo's nice enough to let me bring out her tea all the way here. I really, really don't get what Bobos' beef with her is!"
  • "Huh, no mayonnaise today... should ask mom if she needs me to get her some, then."
  • "Sigh, I moved out to be independent but mom still makes bentos for me everyday... It's... so good, though."
  • "Guess mom still thinks I'm her little girl if she's bothering to deliver these to me on the daily..."
    • (Wow, that's some dedication.) "Yeah, I feel kinda bad. Though... she does genuinely find joy in cooking. Gosh, look at me trying to justify being babied."
  • "The weather's great today! Perfect for a picnic."
  • "This is such an underrated spot to eat at. I think I only ever see Pipi and Yori eating here sometimes. The rest of you lot are missing ouuuut......"
  • "Gotta eat those carbs for the energy! I am a growing girl..."
  • "Onigiris are greeeaaaaat. They're so easy to transport. I could eat this anywhere!"
  • "Oh, I could eat this every day- for real. It's so perfect with Momo's tea."
  • "Never thought of myself as a tea person but there's just something about Momo's blend... Wonder what's her secret?"

Scarlett's Lounge

  • "Tsuki! You're just zooming here and there, huh? How rabbit-like of you!"
  • "Hehe, the bar stools are so fun to spin on! I can just swivel and talk to whoever. Or just keep spinning and spinning and spinning..."
  • "Doesn't this place feel and look like a backdrop to a comedy sitcom? Just a group of ordinary people who get into alarmingly funny situations on the daily. It does, dunnit?"
  • "Between you and me, Scarlett's had a pretty crazy life. Actually, almost every old person I talk to has had some exciting events to talk about. I can't wait to be old..."
  • "I can imagine it. A young Scarlett up here, cigarette in her quellazaire. Well, maybe not this very spot. She used to sing in underground speakeasies in the city."
  • "Scarlett keeps a diary around here... I accidentally snooped through it not thinking it was one."
    • (Well? Any juicy bits?) "A lot actually! But uh, I really shouldn't be telling you about it."
  • "I used to help Ratthew carve cool shapes out of hunge chunks of ice but Scarlett reprimanded him for getting free labour out of me. He hasn't asked me again since but I kinda liked doing it..."
  • "I've seen Ratthew emerge from those tiny doors behind his workstation. Does he actually live in the basement? Like... like a rat? I bet he makes the place look snazzy, though. Too bad we wouldn't be able to visit."
  • "Y'know, Ratthew says the most curious things about this very bar's owner. I've been theory crafting about them ever since. What's their deal?"
    • (Maybe they're money laundering...) "Ooh, that's a hot theory... But a bar? Isn't that kinda on the nose?"
    • (What do you think?) "I think they're a really rich celebrity who wanted both a place to let their hair down and also enjoy the economic investments of..."
  • "Whew, I sometimes get to try out some of Ratthew's experimental cocktails. I don't even taste the alcohol but I sure can feel the buzz!"
  • "Ratthew fun to ask stuff. He has a bewildering stream of answers for everything! It's almost like a game with him."
  • "I really love the art here...I wonder who drew those murals?"
  • "Ratthew should write books on the side- he already tells so many great stories."
    • (Maybe he already does?) "Wouldn't put it past him to have kept that nugget of information from us..."
  • "I love when Ratthew tells me stories. I know half of them are totally made-up but they're so fun and interesting!"
  • "It smells so nice here here! Must be something Ratthew did."
  • "It smells a little like cigarettes. I guess all the smell just wafts up here, huh."
    • (Does it not bother you?) "No, not really. I tried smoking once but it wasn't really my thing. I don't really care for it."
  • I kinda wanna bring my mom here, to the lounge. She needs to get out more. But... it's weird right? Bringing your mom to a bar..."
  • "It's so much more different here in the day than at night. A lot more homey...relaxed, even."
  • "The lounge is really such a perfect meet-up point in the day, Without the dim lights and crowd... just the four of us hanging out."

When Scarlett is at the bar

  • "These two old farts never leave the bar ever! It feels like such a role reversal when I'm the one encouraging them to get some sunlight..."
  • "Scarlett's got the most luscious, pretty hair. Makes me wanna grow mine out too!"


When receive present

  • "Oooh, Tsuki! A present? Did Santa send you?"
    • (What- you're in on it too?Paigespresent.png) "Oh, come on, play along Tsuki! You need some improv classes as your present, it seems." (getting new parsnap)
  • "But I have something else for you! This was a super fun project for me! I hope you like it."
    • (I knew it! A gnome! ...OH, IT LIGHTS UP! Gnomelamp.png) "Yeah! It's a gnome lamp. A...gnamp!"
  • "Now, let's see what you got me... Holy guacamole! These are some heavy duty gloves... These are gonna be super useful for when I'm out foraging- oh, and when I craft too! Thanks a million, Tsuki!"

When building snowman

  • "Ah, just in time, Tsuki. I'm pretty much done with this one."
  • "I must give him...the spiffiest of moustaches... Ah, perfect!"
  • "Whew, this is so much more work than whittling wood... And the end result doesn't look half as good either... Maaaybe it only feels that way because I'm not as practiced! Alright: it is now my mission to make a great many number of snow gnomes!"
  • "Recognize the beanie on this guy, Tsuki?"
    • (Err, no?) "Halloween, Tsuki! It wasn't too long ago. I was dressed as a gnome!"
    • (Hmm... Have you worn this before or something?) "Right you are! Wore this same beanie for my gnome outfit!"
  • "Ooh, yeah, baby. I used my good coals for his eyes and buttons. This is one gooood looking snow gnome!"
    • (You...just carry coal around with you every winter?) "No? I carry coal around with me ALL year round!"
      • (But...why...?) "Why not?"

When playing in the snow outside the bar

  • "Hey, Tsuki! Get in here!"
  • "Ahh! Hehehe.. Some snow got in my sweater..."
  • "I better not tumble around too roughly... Don't wanna ruin this sweater Scarlett knitted me..."
  • "Oooh, maybe I should've gone out with mittens today... They're such a PAIN, though! I like touching everything I can!"
  • "I never noticed before but, people do a lot of walking around the village. Tracks in the snow eveywhere I looked! I was just trying to find an undisturbed plane of fresh snow..."
    • (So you can "disturb" said snow yourself?) "Hey, first come first serve, I say!"
  • "Oh, look at that! The sky looks gorgeous today!"
Character Navigation
Mushroom Village