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Olson is a bear and one of the supporting characters in the game. Akin to Draper and Camille, she is a representative of Candiru Corp and would give Tsuki an option to watch advertisements and earn 800 carrots in return. Olson works in the night time shift whilst her colleague Draper works in the day time.


Olson is a brown grizzly bear with rather pointy ears and fur in between that is swept up. Olson's standard attire is her uniform of a white blouse with long navy blue pants which she often wears in and out of work. Unless the game is having a special event (Halloween, Christmas etc.), Olson has never been spot wearing any other set of apparel.


In the game's October 2021 update, Olson would dress up in a Halloween-themed costume to meet her clients like Tsuki. Olson's costume mimics that of a pirate crewmate, consisting of a red pirate bandana that has holes cut to expose her ears, a black eyepatch covering her right eye, a navy blue blouse and baggy pants secured with a red strip of cloth and a light blue undershirt with white stripes. When Tsuki remarked on her costume, Olson replied on how she had the pirate costume for many years.

Outside of work, Olson will switch back to her original, standard work attire.


While at her job, Olson would display a professional, formal and friendly appearance to her clients like Tsuki, kindly asking them whether they want to conduct a survey (watching an advertisement) for Candiru Corp in exchange for carrots. Olson would kindly accept the client's rejection if they choose not to conduct the survey and leaves soon after.

A few weeks into the game, one would start to see Olson at certain timings in the day, sometimes with her colleague Draper, dining at either Bobo or Momo's shop. Olson would drop her professional facade as she will start to talk more informally, often with jokes and laughs, showing a humourous and light hearted side of her.

Compared to Draper, Olson is more patient and harder to vex, and would not respond in annoyance or negatively to Tsuki if the latter kept pestering her. Olson's only dialogue that might imply how she is pestered is "You...you trying to get carrots out of me or something?".

In spite of her professionalistic and formal behavior, Olson can be erratic and eccentric at times; Olson would perform a strange and obnoxious action of squatting in a corner outside Tsuki's treehouse during her job hours, with certain implications that she might be pooping there. This happens if the player is not connected online thus Olson could not show Tsuki surveys (display advertisements for players), and would thus commit such a strange action to get Tsuki's attention hence she could show her company's survey. This shows how Olson cared about her job as a surveyor to the extend of committing such an outlandish act.

Parsnap entries


Olson works as a surveyor for Candiru Corp, and would come to Tsuki's treehouse during certain timings in the evening and at night since she works at a night shift.

No Internet Connection/Flight Mode

Olson squatting, looking anxious.

If the player turns off their phone's internet connection, or set their phone on flight mode while playing the game, Olson would display a different appearance that deviates from her actual routine of standing outside the door of Tsuki's treehouse.

Instead of performing her actual job, Olson would go to a corner of Tsuki's treehouse and squat there, eliciting an anxious look on her face. Olson is pooping on Tsuki's property so to get the latter's attention to conduct Candiru Corp's survey with her.

Alternatively, if the player is not connected to the internet and plays in the daytime instead, it would be Olson's colleague Draper who would be peeing on Tsuki's treehouse to get Tsuki's attention and allow her to conduct the survey.


Tsuki's House

  • "Young rabbit, I have another product for you! Some deal, carrots as a reward. Interested?" or "Hey there! Nice to see you again. I have another product to show you!"
    • (I'm not interested!)
    • (Cool, gimme the carrots! I mean, product placement!) "Coolio! Here, look at this."
      • [After watching the ad] "Here's some carrots for your time. Be seeing you around!"

Momo's Tea House


  • "Looky here, its the rabbit!"
  • "Hey chum!"
  • "What a beautiful little tea shop.. You rarely see such beautiful sights in the city. Everything either grey and dull, or lit up like a gaudy christmas tree.."
  • "Y'know, I'm aware of how these MV folks feel about us. We're just doing our jobs!"
  • "Tsuki, you don't find me and Draper annoying do you?"
    • (What?? Noooo......) "Ah, I can hear it in your voice. Y'know we didn't choose to be travelling survey men. We've got dreams, aspirations! To climb that corporate ladder, you gotta start at the bottom.."
    • (Kind of.) "Ah thanks for being honest. I don't blame ya, in our job scope, it comes with the territory.."
  • "I wonder how that she captured such unique flavours in her brew. Must be the leaves.."
  • "Mmm.."
  • "Y'know our company truly appreciates your help with our customer surveys. Your data will be put into good use!"
  • "It's nice to take a moment sometimes.."
  • "Don't worry, HAHA! I don't have any surveys for you.. Well.. not at the moment anyway!"

When Draper is off

  • "Hmm.. Wonder where that partner of mine's run off to.."

Bobo's Ramen Restaurant

  • "Wow, seems like I'll bump into my clients be it work hours or not."
  • "Ahh.. Only half way through the day.. I got this.."
  • "The ramen here's better than most I had in the city... Wish there was air conditioning here, though.."
  • "This was a much needed lunch break.."
  • "Bobo's menu here changes everytime I return. Lots of experimentation it seems. Aah.. Wish I had some flexibility when I work too.. It's always protocols and professional conduct and results and bleeuughh. What am I doing.. My boss will kill me if he sees me ranting about my job like this to a client."
  • "I get a different type of ramen everytime. They're all pretty damn good to me! That..or I'm just a glutton.."
  • "Oh, hey, your chopsticks split unevenly! You know what they say about that right? Means it's a sign of unrequited love, haha!"
  • "Your stuff looks good. Wish I got that instead.. I mean, what I got is great too.. Guess everything else looks better since I got the cheapest option.."
  • "I've noticed some villagers veer away from the cart upon seeing me.. They do realize I'm not gonna whip out my papers and start asking them questions and that I'm on break right..?
  • "Ahh, getting a bowl yourself? Lucky you- I wish I had a ramen cart just a walk away from my apartment."
  • "You..you trying to get carrots out of me or something?" (pester)
Character Navigation
Mushroom Village