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Scarlett speaks of Gavin, a past lover who died. It can be inferred she was a more popular singer in the past with Gavin. She also used to be interested in astronomy.



Scarlett holds a lot of wisdom and confidence, most likely due to her age and experience. She greatly enjoys singing and song-writing. Her lyrics carry a theme of love and memory. It could be speculated she writes her songs based on her past relationship with Gavin.

Scarlett greatly enjoys the company of Paige and Ratthew as she doesn't have many friends.

Parsnap Entries



All locations

  • "Good to clear my head a little before I start warming up."
  • "Paige sometimes chides me for staying in the lounge all day- and I do agree with her. Being holed up isn't healthy mentally or physically. I considered setting up a rocking chair outside but that's a little on the nose for an old lady such as I, no? Hahaha..."
  • "Paige is really darling with her gnomes. I swear she can make one within 30 minutes."
  • "Ratthew told me you grow carrots. That's a beautiful thing, agriculture."
    • (Huh? How so?) "Carrots weren't always orange and rotund. The carrots we're familiar with were selectively bred for generations upon generations of people optimizing it. You're growing the product of generations of labor, faith, and love. A comforting reminder of how our ancestors loved us and loved being alive."
  • "Oh dear... Surely you have more things to attend to. Time slips through your fingers like sand. Don't waste it."

Mermaid Coast

  • "Seeing Paige adapt and thrive in the face of insurmountable loss. It's oddly reassuring."
  • "I love talking to Paige. She's loud and proud, and she falls in love with concepts and things so easily- it's contagious."
  • "Moca, your turtle friend, seems to not be a fan of my music. He's even taken upon himself to relay his feedback. Don't worry, I know he's all bark no bite. What is it the kids say now... right, he's a 'hater'."
    • (Barks hurt too...) "You'll learn to eventually know who's worth listening to and who's not- trust me."
    • (Oh gosh. I'm sorry for his behaviour.) "Don't be. I find it all to be quite amusing, acutally. My, this must be Ratthew's influence over me, haha!"
  • "Remember to allow unbearable times to pass...and to allow pleasure in the times that aren't."
  • "I hear you're a native to this village returning after many years. How does that feel like?"
    • (I feel like I belong here.) "That's a nice sentiment. The feeling of being magnetically rooted to a place."
    • (It's better than the city.) "Well, you aren't tethered by anything right? What's stopping you from changing the scene once more?"
  • "I forgot how much I missed putting on a show for people... Why did I go decades dipping out of the scene? Sigh, actually I do know why..."
  • "Oh, I remember being your age. Worried I'm losing grip on my youth. Don't worry about it. Every age can be enchanting, you just have to live in it."
  • "There's always advice on channeling your passion and love into something. I think it's equally important to acknowledge the unpalatable emotions too."
  • "Don't waste time making yourself more palatable for society. You'll only end up being bland and forgettable."
  • "Mushroom Village certainly is a hodgepodge of all kinds of people... The incongruity is comforting."

Scarlett's Lounge

Sitting at bar Scarlett.barnight.jpg

  • "Hello there. Ratthew will be you shortly, I'm sure."
  • "Tsuki, come have a drink with me. Responsibly, of course."
  • "Haha, Ratthew, you know what I want. A vodka martini, straight up. Dry, please."
  • "I realize it might be a little early in the day to be drinking but don't worry- I can handle it."
  • "Isn't it crazy to think that the stars are made of the same atoms we are? ......What am I babbling about? I might need to slow down on the drinks."
  • "Just a little sip before the bar opens proper...
  • "I welcome the lack of conspicuousness time has brought me. It's nice to no longer seek out affordances."
    • (What do you mean?) "Oh don't mind me, Tsuki. Just a tipsy old lady rambling to herself."
  • "...I miss dancing. These old bones simply can't anymore."
  • "Are... are you possibly here for an autograph?"
    • (Please sign my scarf!) "I'm afraid I don't do autographs anymore."
    • (No..?) "Oh! How flighty of me to assume so. Please accept my apologies."
  • "If you, like many people, are feeling anxious, downcast or looking to chat...please don't come to me. That's more of Ratthew's thing."
  • "Your next drink's on me, Tsuki!"
    • (Ooh. What's so special about this drink?) "Well, you're having it with me. Think that's special enough."
  • "How on earth does Ratthew make the best drinks I've ever had? He's a teetotaller for crying out loud."
    • (A tito taylor..?) "Hahaha, it means he doesn't drink alcohol. It really is quite bewildering."
  • "Thank you for dropping by so often to speak with me. I may be old but I still like stitching my networks of thought with other people's experiences."
  • "He would always get a dark 'n stormy. I always finished my drink first. After that, we'd go to the balcony and look at the stars... at least till we were needed back on stage..."
  • "When he died... it felt like I did too. For decades it was like I possessed myself to live."
    • (When who died?) "... Gavin, an old flame. A brilliant pianist, iron-willed activist, and just... a beautiful soul. Oh, you would've loved him."
    • (I'm sorry.) "It's okay, Tsuki. I've made my peace with it."
  • "... Death comes to even those destined for greatness. I regret not listening to him. I regret not treasuring our time more."
  • "Sure I've shut myself inside the walls of this lounge. I've always been like this. The difference is that I'm not lonely this time. I'm really thankful to Ratthew, Paige, and you for the company."
  • "Hello, Tsuki. Here to pay us old folk a visit? Oh, don't tell dear Ratthew I said that. He still thinks himself a young man."
  • "Grief is one unyielding creature. It never leaves. Learn to live with it but don't let it take over."
  • "I ran away from music for so long. It didn't make me feel any better avoiding it. I guess all I ever got out of it was an easier time blaming myself."
  • "Winter is tough, and I personally associate many hardships with it... But I've grown and got better because of them, so I wouldn't trade winter for anything else."
  • "You'd best heed Ken's admonishments even if it sounds like he's ribbing..."


  • "I could've sworn I thought of something lyrical while chatting with Ratthew last night... Oh, I should've written it down."
  • "Come on, brain, think of stuff."
  • " This is no fancy studio but I make do."
  • "At night, you can sometimes see a particular constellation from this very balcony. There's an astounding diversity in the images various cultures projected onto it. I suppose people are like that with music too, right?"
  • "It gets boring here sometimes. Perhaps we should have a television installed here... Oh, but I'd hate if we were to eventually use it to broadcast sports and become one of those rowdy bars..."
  • "Music and activism go hand in hand. Being an entertainment means you have a voice. If you have a voice, you can make a difference."
  • "Many artists I admire aren't afraid to be vulnerable with their work. I do try emulating that despite not wanting people to feel like they know me..."
  • "Many of the songs I write are love letters to intangible things. A place, a time, a moment. Something bittersweet and exquisite."
  • "Sometimes it feels like language isn't enough to express the indescribable nature of the universe. But perhaps my ramblings can still be a testament of something to someone."
  • "I know I'm no stranger to romanticizing concepts but I can't do that with songwriting after so many years of doing it... All it is a burst of inspiration and then grueling deliberation. And a lot of desperation."
  • "Perhaps you should try songwriting yourself? I know you have a desire to communicate. It doesn't have to be a song- it could be a poem, or message in a bottle, maybe even a story?"
  • "Hello, Tsuki! What brings you here?"
    • (I wanna know more about bird watching!) "Ah, yes! Birding, I think the term is... I've written some tips in great detail on the article, Tsuki...
      • (Oh, you know me. I only ever read the headlines.) "Oh dear... Well, don't expect it to be action packed non-stop thrill. There's a lot of research and observation. I suggest having a notebook at the ready. Write down the different species to expect, their behaviors. The bird people are quite amazing. Imagine being a nomad your whole life..."
        • (Wow. That's nice.) "It's not ALL nice. There are some days where I don't see anything interesting. I even had my pendant snatched by a straggler magpie once... This very one! It was a whole operation getting the pendant back..."

Sitting on stage

  • "I like wonted, softer moments like these. Puts my heart at ease."
  • "Hehehe.."
    • (You sure are laughing a lot.) "Nothing wrong with laughing, right? If it isn't at anyone's expense. Helps mock the pain of life. Reduce it. Forget it."
  • "Ratthew makes light of anything and everything but I'm not one to turn down a free laugh. Laughter is cheap medicine, after all."
  • "Oh, Ratthew! That's just downright rude! Ahahaha..."
  • "Ratthew...He's great to speak with. Hilarious, biting,...wise. Reminds me of someone I knew."
  • "Perhaps I should ask Ratthew to break out that champagne we've been saving."
    • (Oh! What's the occasion?) "There isn't one. I figured we'd perish before ever finding anything momentous enough to finally open it."
  • "Oh, Paige is always trying to look out for Ratthew and I... But who's looking out for her?

Warming up

  • "Mi mi mi mi mi mi mi mi mi Don't give me that strange look, I'm doing a vocal warmup."
  • "What does this knob do again? Maybe I shouldn't fiddle with it..."
  • "Dear me. I better not forget to wear my hat like the last time."
  • "Age brings a lot of thought of what remains of you after you're gone. I'd like to think there will be people who hear my music and think "that's a nice song"."
    • (You record your music?) "...I used to. That's not important, though. I don't do it for recognition. I just want to know I've catalogued my existence in this world."
  • "Where's my setlist..?"
  • "Yaaaaawn........sigh......"
    • (Uh, you okay?) "I'm relaxing my voice. Don't mind me."
    • (Yaaaaawn.) "Yaaaaawn..! Oh, my! Did I start a yawning contagion?"
  • "Thank you for dropping by so often to speak with me. I may be old but I still like stitching my networks of thought with other people's experiences."
  • "I never really got when people say "time heals all 'wounds'. Time doesn't heal. It only passes. You must take that time to learn and grow. Then you mend yourself."
  • "Hmm... It seems that it's inevitable an old lady such as I got trumped by modern technology."
    • (The microphone doesn't look that modern...) "Well, you're right. It's 'vintage-styled'. Ratthew diligently researched this and got me the supposed best one. Only problem is that I am dumbfounded when it comes to calibrating it..!
  • "Don't listen to anyone who tells you your twenties is when you peak. I certainly did NOT. It'll be messy. It's a lot of destruction and rebuilding yourself over, reconciling with your adolescence wounds, and figuring out your place in the world. Really you've only scratched the surface after your twenties!"

When singing


  • "If I could reach you once more, for a moment. Feel the pull: invisible, ever-present. Replace the emptiness with joy, like streams of water forming a sea."
  • "Remember when we were doe-eyed? When our souls compelled us to look upwards? This world to another... We were motes in our endeavours..."
  • "How is love measured? It resounds in your absence... Like the indelible coffee stains you often left... How is love measured? Why must it be loss? Another supernova and no one blinks."
  • "Oh...oh, oh. Hmmmmmmm......"
  • "My dear, I remember whence we were just dust drifting in the solar wind. My love, a billion stars, they said. We have not enough names to elect."
  • "Betelgeuse, Betelgeuse. A favorite, beloved by some. Betelgeuse, Betelgeuse. As you were mine..."
  • "It was a fantasy; so magical to me.....until I learnt they were just numbers on a screen... And from that push, a pull...derive a new meaning. To see the beauty we must explore the distance in between."
  • "La dee da...doo to doo doo..."
  • "The door, my grip on the pen... There was a pause... A bullet the form of a breath. A spanner in the works... I know how it felt, oh, how it felt..."
  • "Through the pain, find a tether. Break the shackles, be a mouthpiece. Don't be silly, don't you cry. You were never alone, not even within yourself."

When sightseeing

  • "Oh, hello."
  • "I forgot how much I missed putting on a show for people... Why did I go decades dipping out of the scene? Sigh, actually I do know why..."
  • "Goodness. The place still reeks of cigarettes. I suppose I deserve to put up with it for taking so long to quit myself..."
  • "It may look like I'm doing nothing. Perhaps I am. Life doesn't always have to be bustling and busyness."
  • "Listen to the wonderful silence. It's a rare moment when even nature goes mute; like it's beckoning you to enjoy the magic."
  • "I should get a telescope set up here... I was quite fixated on astronomy in my youth you know?"
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