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Works at the train Station as a Ticket Booth Clerk


Floyd appears to have dark and light brown fur with prominent freckles and a pink nose. They are seen with a navy blue hat and uniform.


Parsnap entries


Floyd can be found behind the ticket booth from around 7 A.M. - 12:00 A.M.


Train Station

  • "You know, it's kinda crazy that I get paid just to stand here. Bureaucracy..."
  • "Toot toot! That's the sound a train would make if it was here..."
  • "No trains coming around just yet..."
  • "Sorry, the trains are delayed for who knows how long..."
  • "There's a train arriving!"
    • (Really? When?) "Just kidding..."
  • "Travelling isn't an option right now.. maybe next time!"
  • "Boy, I love trains so much! Maybe that's why I got into this line of work..."
  • "I'm bored..."
  • "It's nice to see a friendly face! I get quite lonely up here."
  • "You come up here a lot, huh?"
  • "Tsuki, I already told you there are no trains coming. You should move on..." (pester)
  • "I can't tell you when the next train is coming because there ARE. NO. TRAINS!" (pester)
  • "If you want to wait around all day I won't stop you, but you're wasting your time!" (pester)
  • "NO TRAINS! Do you hear me? NO TRAINS!" (pester)
  • "STILL NO TRAINS!" (pester)
  • "..." (pester)
  • "Sorry, like I said the trains aren't allowed to stop by Mushroom Village. I think that Benny guy is working on it, though."
  • "Toot toot! That's my impression of a train horn. It almost feels like the trains are taunting us whenever they toot as they go by our station..."
  • "There's a train stopping!
    • (Really? I'm not even packed up!) "Just kidding..."
  • "Couldn't the trains at least slow down when they go by our station? I wanna take a better look..."
  • "Trains aren't stopping by here just yet..."
  • "Tsuki, I already told you. There isn't gonna be a train you can board. You should move on..." (pester)
  • "I can't tell you when the next train is stopping because there ARE. NOT. STOPPING." (pester)
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Mushroom Village